You Only Need Two Ingredients To Kill Nail Fungus

The compounds in these two ingredients create a hostile environment that can easily kill nail fungus. Be consistent with the application for best results.
You only need two ingredients to kill nail fungus

Yellow nails, cracks and itching between the toes… they reveal all signs of a fungal infection. This condition, which affects 1 in 5 people on average, is known in the medical field as onychomycosis. It is caused by a dermatophytic fungal infection. Read on to learn how to kill nail fungus.

It affects men more than women, although it occurs in a significant part of the female population.

The cause is linked to a weakened immune system, excessive sweating, incorrect footwear and other factors that promote the growth of these microorganisms.

There are literally dozens of treatments on the market today to treat the infection and kill nail fungus. Many of these products are not only expensive, but they may not offer the best results, even if used carefully.

Fortunately , there are natural solutions out there that we can prepare with basic ingredients for effective results without having to spend a lot of money.

This time we will show you how to combine two ingredients with anti-fungal properties to kill nail fungus and heal your feet.

do you want to know more?

Kill nail fungus with just two ingredients

Fungi will not disappear overnight just by applying more products. Total elimination is a result of improvements in hygiene and continuous use of anti-fungal agents.

Baking soda and apple cider vinegar are two products that you usually find in most kitchens. We will use these two ingredients in our treatment to put an end to this problem.

Both are known in alternative medicine for their active compounds and the benefits they provide to the body.

The properties of baking soda

baking soda

Sodium bicarbonate is a white powder used in cooking and environmentally friendly cleaning. Its alkaline, antiseptic and antioxidant properties make it useful for the treatment of a variety of diseases.

It can be used topically to exfoliate and clear the skin, as well as to fight infections. The active compounds reduce the presence of fungi and prevent damage to the nail surface.

We would also like to point out that it is a powerful natural deodorant. It is ideal for neutralizing bad odors caused by bacteria.

The properties of apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is used for dressing on salads and in other recipes. It is made from the fermentation of nutritious apples. The process uses beneficial bacteria and yeast to produce the vinegar.

It contains malic acid and acetic acid, whose alkalizing action effectively fights many types of infections. It changes the environmental conditions that the fungus needs to grow. Consistent application is an effective way to prevent the fungus from spreading.

It also provides significant amounts of bioflavanoids, vitamins, minerals and pectin.

How do I prepare this remedy to kill nail fungus?

nail treatment

This anti-fungal agent utilizes the good properties of both ingredients to kill nail fungus.

First we will use vinegar, which can either be applied directly or with a foot bath. Then we will use baking soda to increase the effect of the previous ingredient.


  • ½ cup of apple cider vinegar
  • 6 cups hot water
  • 3 tbsp baking soda

This is what you do

  • Mix vinegar with three cups of warm water in a foot bath.
  • Immerse your feet in the foot bath and leave them in the water for 20 minutes.
  • Dry your feet well.
  • Now prepare a foot bath with three cups of warm water and baking soda and keep your feet in this water for another 15 minutes before drying them thoroughly.
  • Lots of exfoliating product.
  • To completely eliminate fungal infection, repeat this procedure every night until you notice total improvement.
  • You can also make a lot of baking soda and vinegar that you apply directly to the affected nail. You just need to cover it with a bandage and let it work overnight.

With this remedy  you will create an acidic environment that the fungus will not be able to tolerate. In just a few days you will notice an improvement in your nails.

Try it at home today!

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