Words That Heal – You Should Try Them!

It is important to say these words out loud to ourselves; this is how we learn to believe in them and become more aware of them.
Words that heal - you should try them!

It is said that the power of words lies 50% in the person who utters them, and the other half in the listener. But in this article we talk about inner communication, and about words that heal.

In today’s article we will show you some words that heal : Five sentences that you can say to yourself to find strength every day, to feel motivated and to be able to face the problems that quite often take from us happiness, yes even health.

How about putting the words into practice? They are very easy to remember!

I’m fine


It is possible that this seems contradictory. How can I say to myself “I’m fine” if it’s not true? How can I express something positive when in reality I feel frustrated, stressed or in pain? Well, it is also necessary that we add “I can stand it”.

  • Positive thinking is fundamental and necessary for our daily life. Thinking positively is not denying or ignoring our difficulties. It’s just a way to face reality with motivation and energy.
  • If I see things in a negative way, and I confirm this with phrases like “I’m not good”, “my life is impossible” or similar thoughts, it makes me lock myself into even more suffering and problems. Therefore, it is always better to take a deep breath and say to yourself: “I am fine, and I will manage this”.
  • Test it out. Say loud and clear: “I’m fine”. Say it with conviction and energy. You will immediately notice an inner force that will help give you the necessary push to solve these problems. Things around you may not be good, but you are now prepared to confront them. Why not try it?


2. I can do it


Never forget to put the word “I” in front of this sentence. You are the one who is responsible for your life, and you must take responsibility for your own problems in order to face the world. If you do not find motivation from your inner self, no one can help you find it. Only you can help yourself.

Do not focus on your limitations and do not look for excuses : “I will not be able to do this because it is already too late to change things”, “there are others who are more capable than me, why risk me self…?”

Do not think these negative and limiting thoughts. Look at yourself in the mirror and convince yourself that you have the power in you for this and for everything. The “I can” attitude is one word  that heals, and something we should all put into practice.

3. I deserve it


And why not? Why not earn a few hours every day for yourself, to enjoy your things, hobbies and some privacy? Most likely you are one of those who always do everything for everyone else, who puts the needs of others before your own. Be careful, eventually you may find that you have used up all your energy, only to discover that the others do not even remember the things you have done for them.

Have balance in your life. Take care of others, but also let others take care of you. Be aware of your efforts, and give yourself priority once in a while. And why not? You deserve it!


4. It’s going to go over


It may be that right now you have a problem that does not allow you to live life to the fullest, you are bothered by the problem, it leads to a lot of stress and it has already started to make you sick. You have noticed that you are more tired, and these negative thoughts do not let go for a moment… You have even started getting migraines again!

Stop for a moment and think, breathe, sit down. It is important that you think that everything is in order, that life is in motion and that nothing is permanent. The more you hold on to these negative emotions, the more you suffer. If something in your relationship with your partner bothers you, talk to him or her. If something is not going well in your workplace, try to fix it so that you do not “save up.” Do not keep everything inside you.

Life goes at a fast pace, and the most important thing is to be conscious here and now, and understand that nothing is eternal. Thus, everything is relative, and you can relax a little more and repeat for yourself these words that heal: “It will pass, everything will pass”.

5. Words That Heal – Love!


Love heals, surrounds, protects and sets free. But when we use the word ” love” as a healing word  , we are not just referring to the love you give to the people around you and which is a part of your life.

We also talk about love for yourself, that which heals your self-esteem, that which forces you day after day to find the happiness that makes you feel good about yourself, and that you undoubtedly deserve. Love your body, love who you are, your character, your personality. When you have a problem, you need to be aware that you are the person who is most capable of finding the solution. Have confidence in yourself because you love yourself, because you know yourself, and know that you have good qualities.

If a person does not love themselves, it is very difficult for them to offer love to others. Therefore, never forget that this is an important word that heals.

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