What Can You Do With Disobedient Children?

Are you worried about your child’s behavior? If your little one ignores what you’re asking him / her to do, it’s time to do something about it. Disobedience can be corrected through communication and appropriate strategies. Educate your child and form a good relationship with them.
What to do with disobedient children?

Disobedient children can be a headache for parents. Childhood is one of the most challenging periods for any parent. There are many stages, challenges and changes they must face together. At the same time, one tries to maintain the respect, trust and communication between parents and children.

With disobedient children, it can be an even bigger challenge. Their attitudes are more complicated to deal with, and it takes a lot of patience and willingness to be able to successfully correct their behavior.

How are disobedient children?

To identify how a disobedient child behaves, you need to monitor their behavior.

For example, if they start ignoring you, they are likely to go through the phase where they start measuring how far they have to go to get what they want.

This allows them to make decisions where they always pull in the opposite direction of you. This often happens with children who are raised in a more authoritarian environment. What tends to happen is that the child gets tired of always having to follow orders. Then he or she will start rebelling against the parents or others who ask him or her to do something.

How are disobedient children?

This easily irritates parents. And the child will then begin to create a relationship between disobedience and childish rebellion to get what they want and to be heard.

Rebellious children usually do not have a common attitude that can be easily defined as that, which makes bad behavior difficult to deal with in time.

However, there are some things to keep in mind:

They ignore your messages

Not doing as they are asked is a clear symptom of a disobedient child. In this case, the child tries to practice using his or her small amount of force, by breaking the rules that he or she should have followed.

This disobedience can come from various factors. For example, conflict between parents, sleep problems, divorce, social difficulties, hyperactivity, etc.

It is important to identify who the child is disobedient to. This is often an indicator of why he or she is disobedient, and this will be helpful in dealing with the problem.

The child does not do homework or homework

There is a possibility that you are too condescending or tolerant as a parent.

Maybe you want the child to look at you as a friend to create more trust between you. This usually leads to the opposite and results in the child losing respect for you and she or he will start by not doing his homework.

A child who does not want to work.

Your child should see you as an authority figure, who he or she respects as long as you are looking for the child’s best interests.

The better their relationship, the more you should do to make sure they do their homework and at school.

Your child is lying to you

It is quite common for children to lie. Still, you should tackle it early, as it can go from small to bigger lies, and can create bigger problems in the future.

It is important that you talk to your child, as it is at this age that they develop personality traits. They often retain these traits throughout childhood and they can cause problems in the future.

What can be done to correct disobedient children?

It is very important to identify the most common traits of a disobedient child, in order to correct it in time. We will therefore give you some advice that can help you correct disobedience in any child.

It can help to report disobedient children to a sport or a more creative activity

Children often have a lot of adrenaline and excitement in their bodies, due to the monotony of always just following rules. Their way of getting it out is through disobedience.

Thus, by enrolling them in sports or an activity that they are interested in, it will not only help them to release all the stress they have accumulated, but it will also create habits and discipline.

Take away their privileges if they disobey

Taking away their privileges when they are disobedient will help correct inappropriate behavior.

Let unwanted actions have consequences.

By taking away from them something they like or that entertains the child can make them understand that any action has consequences.

Explain how disobedience makes you feel

Arguing the child is not about punishing the child, or about preventing him or her from doing something they like.

However, it is about telling your child how their behavior makes you feel. It is about explaining how disobedience will go beyond the child.

It is also important to distinguish between disobedience and submission. Teach your child that it is important to follow the rules to maintain good personal, family and social relationships.

Letting a disobedient child know that their behavior is affecting you and worrying you will create a better family bond.

The child will understand that his or her attitude goes beyond someone they love, and will begin to correct it because of their protective instinct.


Disobedient children are more common than you think, so do not be too scared. It is also not difficult to solve this problem. Following some advice and learning more about your child as the days go by, as well as listening to and talking to him or her, can help you solve the problem of the child being disobedient and any other problem that may arise.

As a parent in this situation, you need to stay calm and not take impulsive actions. While we know that children’s disobedience can be frustrating, it is best to address these types of issues with good communication and strategies that will work for both of you.

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