Use Your Hands To Measure Food Portions

Although we usually measure foods such as rice with our hands, we can also use them to measure food portions of many other types of food.
Use your hands to measure food portions

How good are you at measuring food portions?

One aspect that you should take into account when following a good diet is the amount of food you eat during the day.

While most people are already used to dividing their food into portions, there are still those who have trouble doing so.

And although nutritionists have recommended eating small amounts several times a day, many people continue to make poor choices when it comes to their diet.

Fortunately, it is no longer necessary to invest money in weights or strict methods to calculate how large your daily food portions should be.

The only thing you need from now on so as not to choose the wrong size of your food portions will be your hands.

That is correct! Even though many of us do not know it yet,  our hands allow us to perfectly calculate how much to eat.

How do you use your hands to measure food portions?

It is likely that you know that your hands can tell you certain information about yourself. For example, they may reveal aspects of your personality or any signs of your health.

However, measuring the amount of food in all food groups with your hands is a lesser known aspect.

Since we know that you are interested in how this can be possible, we will give you more information about this below.

“The hand diet”

The hand diet was published by the American website Guard Your Health .

This diet became popular because it respects nutritional balance, and it is not a popular “miracle” diet.

It is argued that obesity is due to the excessive portions required for each body, which can be measured according to the size of your hand.

The diet then states that pieces of meat should not be larger than the palm of the hand, and that carbohydrates should not exceed the diameter of a closed fist.

The method has caught the attention of nutritionists and experts in the field, who consider it an interesting way to help understand that nutrition is an individual matter.

The size of a closed fist

The size of a closed fist should be used to measure food portions that are high in carbohydrates.

Some examples:

  • Pasta.
  • Rice.
  • Potatoes.
  • Bread.

The size of a hand

It has been proven that our hand can be used to measure the right amount of fruit to eat during the day.

Likewise, the space occupied by the palm, starting from the wrist and ending at the beginning of the fingers, can be used to measure foods rich in protein, such as lentils.

Two hands together

The size of two hands together in the form of a bowl is suitable for measuring the portion of vegetables you should eat during the day.

The size of the index and middle fingers together

You can choose the right amount of cheese by measuring the size of your index and middle fingers together.

The size of the first joint of the thumb

This amount is recommended for both fat and sugar.

It is important to remember that this is a food group that should be taken in moderation during the day.

Other recommendations to avoid overeating

Although it is helpful to use our hands to measure food portions, we know that it is important to think about other recommendations.

Therefore, in addition to the above, it is good to:

  • Avoid consuming packaged and processed foods.
  • Read the recommended portions on the food labels and pay attention to them when eating the said product.
  • Moderate the consumption of sweet things, since they tend to be addictive.
  • Choose small plates to eat your meals on, and divide your rations into four or five meals a day.
  • Avoid eating with distractions such as television, computer or mobile, among other things.
  • Set aside approx. 20 minutes to each meal, and eat it in a quiet place, away from noise.
  • Add more vegetables to each main meal so that half of the dish is composed of these.
  • Get moderate exercise.
  • Increase your consumption of low-calorie water and beverages.

As you have just noticed, there are many things you can take into account when it comes to controlling the size of your food portions during the day.

While it may not be easy to put them into practice in the beginning, your body will get used to these changes as the days go by.

Are you going to try them?

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