Treatment With Pineapple Peel Can Improve Your Intestinal Flora

Save on the pineapple peel! To get the maximum benefit from your gut flora, it is advisable to drink this remedy as the first thing you do in the morning on an empty stomach. You can repeat this before lunch and dinner.
Treatment with pineapple peel can improve your intestinal flora

We all have a tendency to throw away the pineapple peel. However, it is a fantastic ingredient for making a fermented beverage that helps to “repopulate” your intestinal flora.

In this article, we will share the recipe for this surprising and delicious drink, as well as its many health properties.

What is the intestinal flora?

Woman on the beach

Intestinal flora is a complex of several species of microorganisms that live in the digestive tract, especially in the colon.

A few hours after our birth, these microbes, which are mainly composed of bacteria, begin to reach the body through the food we ingest.

The intestinal flora multiplies despite being damaged by dietary supplements and antibiotics. After two years we have our final bacterial flora.

First of all, the function of the intestinal flora is related to the fermentation and digestion of indigestible foods such as vegetable fiber.

In addition , it also affects the production of some nutrients, the absorption of some minerals and the balance of the immune system.

Because of this, it is important to take care of it. After all, disrupting it can lead to many health problems.

How is my gut flora?

Many people wonder how they can find out if they have a healthy or reduced intestinal flora.

Some of the indicators that show a deficient condition include:

  • Tends to suffer from infections.
  • Digestive problems such as bloating, gas and flatulence.
  • Poor digestion of certain foods, especially starches and sugars.
  • Constipation and diarrhea.
  • Intestinal parasites.
  • Food allergies.
  • Thyroid disorders.


Probiotics are the solution to a damaged intestinal flora. They are natural, living organisms that gradually regenerate the flora when consumed.

In general, we can get them from some fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kefir or yogurt. In addition, we can get them through supplements that are to be taken on an empty stomach to be effective.

This pineapple drink also helps to regenerate the flora.

Fermented pineapple drink


This delicious homemade medicinal drink is made from fermenting  pineapple peels. This peel usually contains several microorganisms ( as long as the fruit has not been treated with fungicides ).

Because of this, you should choose organically or naturally grown pineapple.

In addition to getting all the benefits of a fermented food, the specific properties of pineapple also make this drink excellent for:

  • Better digestion
  • Combating fluid retention and bloating
  • Better circulation
  • Fighting pain and inflammation.


  • The peel of 2 medium-sized pineapples or 1 large
  • 2 1/2 cups brown sugar (500 g)
  • 3 liters of water


  • First, wash the pineapple peel thoroughly using a brush and a little vinegar.
  • Peel the pineapple so that you leave some of the pulp on the peel, and cut it into small pieces.
  • Put it in a large glass bottle and add two liters of water and brown sugar.
  • Leave the bottle at room temperature between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius for two days. If it is colder than this, the process may take a little longer to complete.
  • After this time, strain the drink, add the last liter of water and let it ferment for another 12 hours.
  • To stop fermentation, put the drink in the refrigerator.
  • Given that microbes consume the sugar during the fermentation process, you can, if you want,  sweeten the drink with a little honey or stevia.

How to drink it?

Pineapple juice

This drink is refreshing and revitalizing at any time of the day.

But if what we want is to take advantage of the properties  to improve the intestinal flora, we should drink it on an empty stomach, at least half an hour before eating.

As a treatment, you can also drink a small glass (100 ml) on an empty stomach, a small glass half an hour before lunch and a small glass before dinner.

Overall, you can use this medical treatment regularly when you feel the need or after taking antibiotics.

This way you will avoid the fall in your defenses that you usually experience after taking this type of medicine.

For a complete treatment, you must also follow a balanced diet.

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