Treat Bad Body Odor With Natural Remedies

Treat bad body odor with natural remedies

Heat, excessive sweating, too much clothing when going out, running back and forth all day, wearing non-cotton socks… All this (and much more) can cause bad body odor.

The good news is that there are natural remedies for treating bad body odor. These you will not want to miss. Find out who they are in this article.

Bad body odor: where, how and why?

Bad smell from feet

Although bad body odor can come from all parts of the body, there are certain areas that are more exposed: the armpits, feet and genitals. This is due to the reaction of certain microorganisms that love to live in humid places (such as those just mentioned).

As the temperature rises in these areas they will multiply. It is at this moment that bad body odor is formed, because these bacteria emit certain gases.

In addition, in these areas, and above all in the armpits and feet, there is a greater amount of sweat glands. Whether it is hot or you exercise, the job of these glands is to release water (sweat) to reduce the temperature and to avoid other problems. For this reason, we usually sweat a lot even when we have a fever.

But keep in mind that sweat also has another function: to eliminate toxins from the body. This natural process, in which small drops of salt water disappear through the pores of the skin, simultaneously transports everything “bad” that has accumulated in the body. It can also be said that this is a way for the body and skin to “breathe”.

Sweat and bad body odor

sweat and bad body odor

When we sweat, we can get a bad body odor. There is no other possible solution, as we have already explained. And above all, we sweat when it is hot or due to hormonal changes. In women, this happens, for example, in connection with menopause. It can also occur in certain phases of the menstrual cycle, and for both boys and girls during puberty.

We can also sweat when we experience a lot of stress, pressure or worries, fear, anxiety or nervousness. Being overweight is another cause of excessive sweating.

The use of poor quality shoes, which do not have good ventilation or are made of synthetic materials, does not help the situation. These do not allow the feet to evaporate sweat. Instead, it becomes a perfect environment for the spread of fungi and bacteria.

And if we add the use of socks in materials other than cotton, this is also the basis for bad odor from the feet. This applies to socks that are made of Lycra or elastane, for example.

Put some potato flour in the shoes

The same situation that happens with socks can also happen with other clothes. If the clothes are made of synthetic materials, it can increase sweating in the armpits and genitals. Therefore, one should always try to choose clothes that are made of cotton or another type of natural fiber.

Diet has an effect on body odor

Did you know that diet also has an effect on body odor?  Especially if we include a lot of refined sugar, fried foods, animal fats, processed meats and foods. Then the body will try to eliminate a much larger amount of accumulated toxins from these foods.

The best way to avoid this is to maintain a healthy diet. That is, a lot of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and legumes or beans. You should also drink at least two liters of water every day.

Personal hygiene is important

A natural solution to avoid or reduce bad body odor is to increase your personal hygiene. If you usually shower once a day, try to do it twice a day during the summer.

You can also wash the problem areas with soap and water, first with a neutral soap and then with a perfumed one (if this does not cause any skin irritation).

Try not to use spray deodorant or cream in the armpits as these can close the pores in this area and lead to poorer body odor. In this way, a vicious circle is created by clogging the pores every time you use deodorant, which gives an increased bad smell. This causes you to put on even more deodorant, etc. Choose natural deodorants or homemade alternatives. Here is a recipe that never fails, just mix:

  • 5 mint leaves
  • 5 rosemary leaves
  • 1 cup boiled water (250 ml)

Allow the mixture to cool, strain it and pour it into a jar or bottle. Dip a cotton ball into the liquid and rub it into your armpits and feet every day.

Other tips

You can also bring extra clothes for shifts, if you are going to be away from home all day. Essential oils (such as lavender) can also help you avoid bad body odor.

Two alternatives that always eliminate bad body odor are chlorophyll and green tea. The first option, chlorophyll, helps cleanse the body and eliminates toxins. You can find it in capsule form in the health food store.

A more natural alternative is to plant wheat on a tray, let it grow, mow the grass and then mix it into a smoothie. The second option, green tea, is an excellent cleanser that will not only help increase your metabolism, but also eliminate any excess toxins. Drink one or two cups of green tea every day.

If the odor from the armpits is the result of too much deodorant, you can exfoliate with a mixture of baking soda and lemon. Be careful with immediate exposure to sunlight, as this may cause the acid from the lemon to discolour your skin. You can also mix baking soda with water to a mass and use it as a natural and effective antiperspirant. This also works for the feet.

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