Three Preparations With Honey To Relieve The Flu

Preparations with honey are quite popular. This is because they have expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. These properties make honey one of the best natural ingredients against the flu. Discover how you can benefit from honey with these three recipes!
Three preparations with honey to relieve the flu

These three recipes for preparations with honey are good to have when the seasons changeā€¦ especially when they cause sudden changes in temperature, and the risk of getting the flu increases. It is always good to have some effective natural alternatives available when one wants to relieve symptoms.

In this article, we will now give you more information on how to use honey to fight and treat the flu.

Natural antibiotics

Honey has a nutritional value, and has been shown to have potent healing effects that can help fight the flu. Therefore, honey can be important to have in the cupboard during the seasons when the flu spreads. However, it is important to be aware that antibiotics, and those found in honey, can only fight bacteria, not viruses.

Furthermore , honey contains antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, if this was not enough, it also has prebiotic properties and can improve cardiovascular functions. As with all natural ingredients, the nutritional value and main characteristics may vary depending on the type, quality, variations in flowers and geographical origin. In general, however, we can say that honey is rich in minerals, vitamins, polyphenols, amino acids, proteins and enzymes, among others.

That said, let’s take a look at the preparations!

1. Preparations with honey and cinnamon

Try these recipes for remedies with honey.
A combination of honey and cinnamon can help strengthen the immune system and reduce the duration of the flu.

The first recipe we are going to look at to treat the flu is very easy to make, and also tastes pretty good. All you need to do is mix honey with real cinnamon (Ceylon cinnamon ) to get a thick preparation similar to syrup.

When you mix these two ingredients, you actually enhance the natural properties of honey due to the properties of real cinnamon. In case you are not aware of it, real cinnamon is pretty amazing in itself. It also has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. In addition , this powerful combination can both stimulate your body and overcome the fatigue that can often be caused by the flu.


  • 4 tablespoons real cinnamon powder (60 g)
  • 4 tablespoons raw honey (80 g)

Preparation and use

  • Mix both ingredients and keep them in an airtight container. If the honey becomes too hard, you can melt the mixture by placing it in a hot water bath.
  • Then take a tablespoon on an empty stomach every day, and a tablespoon half an hour before each meal if you already have the flu.

2. Preparations with honey and marinated garlic

The second of the remedies with honey to treat the flu involves maceration of raw garlic. This plant contains allicin, so it is also effective against viruses, bacteria, fungi and even parasites. In addition, garlic is also good for preventing cardiovascular disease.

You should prepare and use this preparation when you want to prevent the flu, or when you feel the first symptoms of the disease. In this way, you will strengthen your immune system, relieve irritating symptoms and reduce the duration of the disease.


  • 10 cloves garlic (150 g)
  • 7 tablespoons honey (140 g)

Preparation and use

  • To begin, peel the garlic cloves and cut them into slices.
  • Then place them in a jar with the honey.
  • Leave the mixture in a cool and dark place for a week.
  • Take a teaspoon on an empty stomach. If you already have the flu, you can take up to five teaspoons during the day, if it does not cause digestive problems for you.

 3. Preparations with honey, orange and ginger

Remedies with honey and orange.
A natural, homemade syrup with honey, orange and ginger can help relieve the typical symptoms of the flu. In addition, it will strengthen your immune system.

Finally, we will give you the recipe for a syrup you can make yourself at home. It is simple to make and the ingredients are cheap.

To make this syrup you will need orange peel because oranges are rich in vitamin C, which is good for counteracting respiratory infections and for increasing the body’s defenses in general. In addition, you will also use ginger, a spicy ingredient that generates body heat and helps you when you have a fever.


  • Peeled from 2 organic oranges
  • 1 teaspoon ginger powder (7 g) or a slice of fresh ginger (10 g)
  • 6 tablespoons honey (120 g)
  • 2 cups water or natural orange juice (500 ml)

Preparation and use

  • Boil the orange peels and ginger together in orange juice or water for 30 minutes.
  • Then add the honey and let it cook for another 15 minutes. Pour the mixture through a sieve and allow to cool.
  • Finally, place the syrup in a jar in your refrigerator. Take 3 tablespoons a day with your meals if you have the flu.

Now you know about some good preparations with honey that can help you get rid of the flu! Furthermore, they can also be used as preventive treatments that will strengthen your immune system. Remember that prevention is the best medicine. Keep in mind, however, that these remedies are intended for adults, as honey is not safe for babies.

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