This Plant Restores The Liver

Desmodium has the ability to normalize the enzyme level in the liver and makes the muscle tissue relax, so that regeneration works optimally.
This plant restores the liver

The name may be a little difficult to pronounce, but this plant performs nothing less than miracles. The plant is called Desmodium Adscendens and grows under the palm trees in the humid regions of the equator in Africa. In this article you will become better acquainted with the plant that can regenerate your liver.

This is how the liver works

Before we introduce you to this amazing plant that regenerates your liver, we will take a look at how the liver works. The liver works non-stop to keep you healthy and alive. It regulates the body and cleanses it of toxic waste products. It synthesizes protein and filters out harmful substances that we get through food and drink.

The liver is the largest and most complex organ in the human body. In collaboration with the gallbladder, it performs over 500 tasks. It is responsible for regulating metabolism, absorbing vitamins, regulating hormones and much more.

liver function

The liver has the property that it can regenerate itself if it gets the right building blocks. The liver can renew itself and grow back, if parts of it have been removed due to injury or disease. For this to happen, at least 25% of the liver must be healthy.

The liver is very sensitive and regenerates faster than any other organ. High intake of fat or alcohol, as well as some diseases can lead to the liver becoming in poor shape. And thus unable to perform his full-time job.

Also read: Tips and natural solutions for a healthy liver

Desmodium Adscendens: The magical plant of the liver

Herbal medicine offers many natural treatments that can improve liver function, such as milk thistle, dandelion, black radish and artichoke. Desmodium Adscendens is one of the most effective, it is simply amazing.

Desmodium i te

This species grows in Africa and has leaves with a clear, green color. It winds its way up the trunks of coconut or palm trees. It gets bright purple flowers that give a fruit, a few centimeters long. Sometimes it is called “Amor seco” or “strong back”.

Countries such as Senegal, Ivory Coast and Congo have used this plant for centuries. In Ghana, the plant is used in the treatment of asthma, dysentery, constipation and stomach cramps. Modern medicine discovered the plant in 1960, when two French doctors were engaged in humanitarian work in the region.

It is used by patients with hepatitis and they are cured within a few weeks. Local healers know a lot about this plant and many samples have undergone analyzes in the laboratory. The results show that Desmodium Adscendens contains alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids and anticyanides. All of these are important substances.

Clinical trials conducted in England, France and Canada found that not only could it treat liver dysfunction, it could also protect the liver during long and harsh treatments as chemotherapy. Patients with allergies also benefited greatly from this plant. Desmodium has the ability to normalize the liver’s enzyme levels and make muscle tissue relax. In addition, it contains antihistamines.

Desmodium in coffee

More about Desmodium Adscendens

This effective plant is excellent for treating various liver ailments. Especially ailments caused by viruses, chemicals, alcohol and drugs. As if that were not enough, it also helps keep the immune system in perfect condition, making the plant ideal for patients with diseases such as HIV.

Desmodium Adscendens is an effective treatment method if you have symptoms of hepatitis (headache, fatigue, loss of appetite). Use of the plant causes these symptoms to disappear in a few days. The plant has also traditionally been used in the treatment of epilepsy, which has attracted the attention of researchers.

How to use this plant to regenerate your liver

This fantastic plant can be found at health food stores, either as a powder, dried plant, tincture or in capsule form. To increase the effect of the plant, it is advisable to take it with other medicinal plants such as rosemary or thistle.

Although no cases of overdose of Desmodium have been reported , it should be noted that the plant may have a laxative effect.

If you have liver problems, you should eat 6-10 grams of dried plant with a liter of water. The treatment should last for 2-4 weeks for acute problems and for 6-8 weeks if there are chronic problems.

If you are taking medicine that damages the liver, such as medicine for nail fungus, you should take a daily extract of Desmodium before, during and after treatment. The correct dosage will be 6 grams per liter of water.

If you want to use this wonderful plant to revitalize and cleanse your liver, especially if you have been diagnosed with fatty liver, you can take 10 grams daily for 1-3 months. Those who have allergies can take 5 grams per day in the form of a cup of tea.

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