The Relationship Between Your Organs And Your Emotions

It is always advisable to try to keep your emotions under control for your mental health. Believe it or not, your internal organs can be affected by your emotional state.
The relationship between your organs and your emotions

Have you ever wondered how your emotional state can affect your organs?

According to traditional Chinese medicine , our body responds naturally to any stimulus – either external or internal – and generates a number of different reactions.

What is clear is that our bodies are not made just to perform the basic metabolic functions by converting food into energy to keep us alive. In reality, they have to process all the different stimuli they receive. Then they must generate a positive or negative response. This answer has a natural effect on all your organs that make up the body.

Apart from physical stimuli that the body receives thanks to the nervous system, we also experience emotions. Although they do not seem to have an obvious effect, they still provoke reactions that can serve to stimulate or inhibit some of our organs.

Although this is usually a healthy process, when our emotions are particularly strong, negative and long lasting, they can have a detrimental effect on the organs and make them more vulnerable to certain conditions.

In this article we will explore this topic.

The relationship between your organs and your emotions

The relationship between your organs and your emotions

According to traditional medicine, the process of deterioration of a given organ is directly related to the emotions we experience. When an organ is affected, it can have a balancing effect on the whole body. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that we can find out the emotional cause so that we can work to resolve it.

What this really means is an attempt to change our emotional state and promote patterns of positive thinking in ourselves.

Below we look at a few of your organs in particular and the emotions that can affect them:

1. The heart and small intestine: Joy

Happy woman

According to ancient Chinese medicine, joy is an emotion associated with these two organs.

The heart is responsible for, among other things, regulating the blood and controlling the blood vessels. At the same time, the function of the small intestine is to absorb the nutrients and minerals that enter the body through food intake.

Although a healthy feeling of joy can stimulate these organs and their function, a profit can generate:

  • Nervousness
  • Tachycardia
  • Insomnia
  • Lack of concentration

People who suffer from affected organs tend to be sensitive, outgoing and talkative. They are often overwhelmed by their own emotions and may struggle to keep their emotions in check.

Learning to deal with feelings of euphoria, agitation, tension and an abundance of emotions will contribute to the healthy functioning of these organs. After all, their health is important for the integrity of our entire body.

Liver and gallbladder: Rage and anger

Angry woman

Rage and anger, as well as all the other emotions associated with them, are connected to these two organs. Your liver is responsible for storing blood and regulating the circulation of vital energy. At the same time, your gallbladder is responsible for collecting and excreting bile.

If you are one who has problems with these organs, it may also be that you are a dynamic person who tends to become restless from excessive worry. You can even react aggressively to it sometimes.

In addition to rage and anger, you should also take care of and identify and cope with feelings of frustration and indignation. In addition, you should try to keep in mind that a healthy functioning liver produces a generative and liberating energy.

Spleen and stomach: Obsession

These particular organs are associated with obsession, nostalgia and reflection. While the stomach is responsible for generating nutrition, the spleen forms part of the lymphatic system, fights infections and maintains the balance between body fluids.

People who suffer from conditions related to these organs are usually calm, but often have great difficulty making decisions.

4. The lungs and colon: Sadness


These two organs are strongly linked to feelings of melancholy, sadness and sadness. The main work of the lungs is to regulate breathing. The colon plays a key role in digestion, absorption of nutrients and ensuring that the body’s immune system works.

If you have problems with these organs, you may be an independent and very rational person with self-reflection. The result of too much reflection can be physical, and some people experience a lack of appetite, tightness in the chest and a general feeling of apathy.

Kidneys and Bladder: Fear

Woman in dark room

The kidneys are strongly associated with feelings of fear and anxiety. Their physical tasks include removing waste from the blood. At the same time, the bladder is responsible for storing and excreting urine. People who suffer from pain and weakness in the lower back, as well as a number of other symptoms, may experience a period of insecurity in life.

Maintaining a good balance of new energy can help increase confidence in your own abilities. Now that you know which emotions affect which of your organs, you can focus on introducing patterns of positive thinking. This will make the body more able to heal itself.

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