The Poor Man Lacks Much, The Greedy Man Lacks Everything

You are already happy. You’re just looking for reasons not to be.
The poor lack much, the greedy lack everything

The poor man is missing a lot. He does not enjoy a luxurious life and may not even have a roof over his head. However, the greedy man can still feel worse. We have grown up in a world of consumer society.

All you have to do is look at the ads and commercials that surround you. The latest mobile phone, the car that no one owns yet… What you already have is definitely enough. But you want more and more, and you do not value what you have.

The greedy person is missing something because he does not see what he has

We think we need things because that’s how we were taught to think. The car that just came out has something your car does not have. It may be the smallest, least important thing, but we think we need it. We are self-centered and have a competitive spirit. We may feel happy when we get this new thing, but are we happy?

The poor are. It does not matter to them that they live in the streets without anything to eat. Are they sad sometimes? Of course! We are emotional beings, and even though everything is going well, we have our downturns.

But in spite of all this , the poor know true happiness because they have learned to value the little they have. On the other hand, every day we see people who have millions, and many of us wish we were them.

The poor lack much, the greedy lack everything

You can buy everything and there will still be more to buy. Sometimes , however, you are wasting your money because it is the only thing you can do to stop thinking about the condition you are in.  Your soul needs to be nourished. Feed your soul with the really good stuff.

Wanting more and more things will not make you happy; It will take your gaze away from what really deserves your attention: your inner self.

There is no better teacher than life itself

The poor lack much, the greedy lack everything

Maybe you already know all this, but you keep stumbling over the same rock. However, at least you end up learning something. There is no better teacher than life itself. Think of all those times when we learned to see what we were right after we lost it. In addition, it will probably not be the last time.

Let’s think about all the clothes we bought and how bad we felt when we got home and looked at our empty wallet. We do things without thinking because we do not observe, we just see.

Every time you wish you had a different life, you discount everything you have achieved and all the people who have been there along the way. You are actually happy already. However, you are looking for reasons not to be.

Are you really worth more, the more you have?

The poor lack much, the greedy lack everything

You think that the more friends you have, the more you are worth. The better your job, the more recognition you get. These are the thoughts of a greedy person. But the value that really matters is the one you give. Are some jobs better than others? Yes, there are more difficult jobs that need more victims. However , never judge them by how they look to the world that looks in.

It’s time to dump her and move on. We have grown up in a society that creates certain values and beliefs in us, but that does not mean that they are good. If you’re still not happy, it’s because you’re holding ideas in your head that you should not believe are true. They may work for some people, but we are all different.

Dreaming of winning the lottery, being rich, never worrying about money again… It’s your reality, your daily life. But even if things are not simple, it is a spark of life. After all, what would happen if you stopped worrying about all this? What would happen if you had no problems and the world was your oyster? You would go through life happily and in peace… But then?

We do not see that all the bad that happens to us makes sense to our existence. Without problems, difficulties or challenges, our lives would not matter. Do not think like a greedy person. Think like the poor. It will open up a whole new world.


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