The Ingredient In Watermelon That Gives You Stronger Muscles

When we think of watermelon, a pleasant feeling of freshness, contentment and well-being immediately pops into our minds. It is the fruit of summer, which goes so well in juices and salads.

Thanks to L-arginine, the ingredient in watermelon, this fruit is ideal for anyone who wants to avoid fatigue and have extra energy.

However, it is possible that you also often tell yourself that watermelon is “just water” and that its nutrient content is minimal, if not non-existent.

Well, you will be glad to hear that despite being 92% water, we ingest in every mouthful amounts of vitamins A, B6 and C, as well as an endless list of antioxidants and amino acids.

On top of that, it contains hardly any sodium and its fat content is almost non-existent. What more can we ask for?

In reality, we can ask for one more thing: to recover, give ourselves energy and give endurance to our muscles when we are exhausted.

Does this seem incredible to you?

L-citrulline, the ingredient in watermelon that gives you energy

Do not be surprised if you have never heard of L-citrulline. It is best known in the sports world because it is a non-essential amino acid that helps athletes improve performance.

The term “non-essential amino acid” may have caught your attention. What does it really mean?

  • Non-essential amino acids are those that the body can synthesize, so it is not necessary to eat it every day in a normal diet.

Now let’s see what this interesting ingredient in watermelon can do for us.

L-citrulline, a very healthy amino acid

We find not only L-citrulline in watermelon, but also in chickpeas, meat, garlic, nuts and dark chocolate.

As you can see, they are all very “energizing” foods that not only improve our performance, but also take care of our health.

As a curiosity, you will be happy to hear that when the amino acids citrulline and arginine are combined, our body produces a very beneficial gas called nitric oxide.

Can you guess what this gas does for us?

It gives us energy

L-citrulline also has another sensational property: it helps us reduce lactic acid and ammonia in muscle tissue.

This important property helps our muscles to recover almost immediately: we will notice less tension, fewer cramps and less fatigue.

We will recover our energy and our physical performance will improve almost immediately.

It causes adequate metabolic changes

Many athletes choose to consume supplements based on L-citrulline.

This amino acid causes metabolic reactions that synthesize aerobic energy and delay the feeling of fatigue.

Of course, the majority of us are not athletes and do not compete, so we do not need to take this supplement separately.

What is advisable is to get the most out of the ingredient in watermelon in combination with all the other vitamins and minerals.

It prevents the accumulation of waste products

The ingredient in watermelon not only helps us to get out of the fog from exhaustion, restore our strength and resistance in our muscles. Other interesting information about L-citrulline is that it prevents the accumulation of waste in our body.

These can manifest themselves in the form of aches and pains, cramps or edema, for example.

It helps to improve erectile dysfunction

Finally, and also of interest, is that watermelon and its powerful L-citrulline content is very useful in cases of mild erectile dysfunction.

This is due to its property which favors vasodilation through nitric oxide and endothelial function.

By improving blood circulation naturally, it can alleviate mild cases of erectile dysfunction.

All of this reminds us again that instead of turning to medication, it is always best to start by improving our lifestyle and our diet.

To conclude, as we have clearly seen, watermelon is much more than just a refreshing summer fruit.

We are talking about a medicinal, healthy and energizing fruit. Combine it with other foods and get the most out of it when the season comes.

It’s worth it, and your well-being is worth it.

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