Thanks To The Man Who Made Me A Single Mom

Being a single mom is not easy, but it is something you should be proud of. It takes a lot of strength and courage and the kids will see a wonderful woman in you.
Thanks to the man who made me a single mom

A single mother is a woman who is going to have children, or has a child and who does not have the support of the man who made her pregnant. She has decided to take care of the child alone, by bringing it into a single-parent family.

Single mothers face major challenges, such as responsibility for providing education, food, protection and raising a new person.

Thanks to the man who made me a single mom. I have a wonderful daughter with great moral qualities who has taught me how to be a mom. Today, she is happily married and I am now the grandmother of two beautiful girls. And thanks to this experience, I can write this article.

The news of becoming a single mom

When I found out I was going to have my first child, I was only 19 years old. The news shocked me and filled me with fear. I immediately went to share the news with my father, but he did not want to hear about it. The only thought that struck me was ” I’m going to be a single mom.”

pregnancy test

I had many questions. “Will I be prepared to raise my child in the right way?”, “Will I be able to take care of it financially?”, “What should I do with my child?”, “Who will take care of the child when I work and studying? ”. These and others.

I realized what a great commitment I had to take on in order to raise my child and be able to take care of our home without the cooperation and support of a partner. But I had no other choice, I had to face the challenges life gave me, for both of us.

Life goes on for a single mother

A few decades ago, society was full of prejudice and discrimination. As a single mom, I knew I had to learn to deal with the people who pointed a finger at me and judged me.

I had to pay a very high price, not only financially, but also for the psychological pressure and double standards I experienced. I also had to deal with the prejudices of my family and everyone around me.

I was aware that in most cases, this would involve meeting the “double burden”. Being at home with my child and having to work in conditions that caused inconveniences compared to other working mothers who shared the responsibility with a father figure.

The importance of family support

As the years passed, I could count on the help of family members and close friends. Anyway, I wanted to be able to manage on my own. I soon learned that the desire was too ambitious and that I had to put it away.

a modern family

Because a person alone cannot form a family and children need their social needs, emotional needs and other needs taken care of. I succeed in this when I maturely and joyfully accepted my reality. So I started my new life, but it was not easy at all.

Some recommendations for single mothers

If you are a single mother, do not be ashamed; Instead, be proud, because there is nothing better than giving everything to your children.

Show those who criticize you that you can achieve what you have decided and fight to make your children happy and proud of you. Do not let social pressure suffocate you. Here are some suggestions:

Put the guilt behind you

The first thing single mothers should do is forget about guilt. Accept reality with love so that you can raise children who are also confident in themselves. That way, you can face your future for sure that you will always support him or her.

It is important that you concentrate on being a good mother, not that you are both mother and father, because that is not your role.

Do not limit yourself, complete your studies

You need to change your priorities , because it is also important that you complete your studies. A good education will help you get a better job.

A single mother studying

A good schedule is important. This will make your tasks easier and will also give you time to have fun.

Talk about the danger

From a young age, talk to the child about its father. Say positive things so as not to create bitterness, but do not lie. Do not fabricate stories or exaggerate the character of the father.

Tell us about the good times you had with him. When the child is old enough, you can come up with the details he or she should know. The simple answers will minimize the effect of father’s absence.

Regardless, you should keep in mind that every child is different. Ideally, you should talk to a specialized psychologist about the best way to tell your child who their biological father is without causing trauma.

Last but not least,  it has become more and more common for women to decide to start a family without a man present. Society’s view of this has also become more open and receptive.

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