Simple Tricks For Washing Clothes

When washing clothes in a washing machine, you can mix a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water and pour this on the clothes (never have pure baking soda on the fabric, as this can damage it. It is always best to dilute it with a little water) . Then wash your clothes as usual. You can also use lemon juice.
Simple tricks for washing clothes

How much money do you usually spend on cleaning products each week? It is very common to buy lots of products that bleach, wash, remove odors or soften clothes. The reality is that you can achieve the same effect with a few simple ingredients: vinegar, lemon and baking soda will be your best allies. Discover how to wash clothes with these natural homemade tips!

Pale clothes

Simple tricks for washing clothes

The most common remedy used to bleach clothes is bleach. In addition to the fact that such products are very toxic to the environment, they weaken the textile fibers so that they break more easily. It is true that the clothes become whiter, but they do not last long. If you are not careful, the bleach can stain colored clothes if you spill or it splashes.

With baking soda, lemon, or even hydrogen peroxide, these things will not happen. Pay attention!

1. Pale curtains

If there are kitchen curtains, which are usually full of smoke and grease, it is advisable to soak them in warm water. Add a tablespoon of baking soda and let it work until the water gets cold. Then you can wash the curtains as usual. The result will be perfect.

2. Pale tablecloths

This is very simple and is done in almost the same way as with curtains. Put the cloths in warm water, but spray on a few drops of  hydrogen peroxide  where there are stains. They will be washed off more easily and the cloths will be whiter.

Pale clothes

When washing clothes in a washing machine, you can mix a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water and pour this on the clothes (never have pure baking soda on the fabric, as this can damage it. It is always best to dilute it with a little water) . Then wash your clothes as usual. You can also use lemon juice.

Remove odor from clothing

Simple tricks for washing clothes

You have probably experienced this before. You take clothes out of the washing machine and notice that some shirts still smell of sweat. Then you have to wash the clothes again, but how can this be avoided? Very simple. There are three ways to do this:

  1. Mix baking soda and water. You only need half a teaspoon of baking soda  diluted in half a glass of water. Mix well and apply this mixture on the areas that smell the most, such as the armpits. Then you can wash the clothes in the washing machine as you normally do.
  2. White vinegar.  Pour half a glass of vinegar mixed with a glass of water into a spray bottle. Spray the smelling areas with this mixture and let it work for 10 minutes before washing as usual.
  3. Lemon juice. You’ve probably heard of this before. This is another natural ingredient that is great for neutralizing the smell of sweat. You just need to mix the juice of half a lemon with the same amount of water. Then use a piece of fabric or a sponge to apply this to the areas that need it. Let it work for 10 minutes, then wash in the washing machine.

Simple tricks for washing clothes with stains

Simple tricks for washing clothes

1. Oil stains

If you have any clothes with oil stains, you can use some talcum powder where the stain is to let it absorb the oil. Let it work for 24 hours before washing the clothes in the washing machine.

Chewing gum

There are two very simple and interesting tricks that you can try. The first is a little strange: Put the clothes with chewing gum in the freezer. As a result, the chewing gum will become stiff and very easy to remove. Do you want to try it? The second technique is better known. You only need to apply a little petrol, then the chewing gum will loosen so that it will be easier to remove.

3. Makeup stains

Sometimes you can, by accident, get some lipstick or foundation on your clothes. How can you remove this? Very easy. Mix equal amounts of vinegar and water. Let it work for half an hour, and then wash your clothes as usual.

4. Blood stains

Blood stains tend to be difficult to remove. A simple trick is to use hydrogen peroxide. Apply a little on the dirty area and let it work for half an hour. Then wash the clothes in the washing machine as usual, and the stains will be completely gone.

We hope these simple tricks on washing clothes have helped you. Do not hesitate to tell us about your own tips for washing clothes!

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