Researchers Find New Treatment For Alzheimer’s

When administered in the early stages of Alzheimer’s and combined with a healthy diet and physical activity, this treatment resulted in a significant improvement in patients’ long-term memory.
Researchers find a new treatment for Alzheimer's

In today’s article, we will tell if a new treatment for Alzheimer’s researchers has been found.

The growing number of elderly people in today’s society has brought with it several cases of Alzheimer’s and other degenerative diseases related to age.

This effect is so striking that according to the World Report on Alzheimer’s, published in 2015, cases of Alzheimer’s are expected to double in number over the next 20 years.

This is why scientists are running a real race against time. Not only to give the patient a better quality of life, but also to try to reverse the effects of the disease.

Because we know that there have been many studies done on Alzheimer’s, and until now there has been little progress,

Nevertheless, it seems that a “small breakthrough” has already been achieved.

At the Easton Center (which specializes in research on neurodegenerative diseases) at the University of California, researchers have been able to slow down and even reverse the cognitive impairment associated with Alzheimer’s.

We will give you all the information below.

A new treatment for Alzheimer’s

The study has already been published in the journal ” Aging “. According to Dale Bredesen , director of the Easton Center as well as this study, the latest aspect of their research is their approach.

So far, they have created a unique treatment for Alzheimer’s, in the hope that it will slow down cognitive degeneration.

What is new for this study, however, is that each patient received a combination of several different drugs and vitamins, accompanied by a predetermined diet and lifestyle changes.

The results they received after the treatment regimen, which ranged from nine months to two years, are very encouraging. Let’s take a closer look at the details.

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The substance itself is known as MEND (Metabolic Improvement of Neuro-Degeneration).

  • At the moment we are only talking about a very limited sample size, so it is too early to conclude that the benefits of this drug are 100% safe and reliable. In the coming months, more tests will be performed and the treatment will be extended to more patients.
  • Another fact that must be remembered is that the patients who showed the greatest improvements were not those who were already at a more advanced stage of the disease.
  • After receiving treatment for Alzheimer’s for almost two years, improvements were measured based on brain scans and neuropsychological tests.
  • An encouraging result was that the hippocampus, the neuronal structure associated with memory, generally increased in size.
Elderly lady with Alzheimer's

Along with the medication, the patients also changed their lifestyle habits

The sample of patients who were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s when it was still in an early stage received, in addition to this medication, a very specific and accurate diet:

  • Fast carbs were completely eliminated.
  • Gluten free and processed foods were limited.
  • Along with the medicine, they also took certain supplements such as vitamin D3, melatonin, methylcobalamin, fish oil, and Q10 co-enzyme.
  • Each patient was instructed to sleep at least seven hours a day.
  • If female patients had stopped hormone therapy, it was restored.
  • Each patient performed 30 minutes of exercise four to six times a week.

Incredible improvements

We would like to point out once again that this treatment was most effective for people who were in the early stages of Alzheimer’s.

Healthy fat
  • Neuropsychological tests showed that long-term memory had improved from 3% to 84%.
  • Patients regained their vocabulary and were better able to recognize faces.

These results are, without a doubt, very encouraging. Nevertheless, researchers are clear on an important aspect:

In other words, before the main symptoms of the disease appeared.

However, relatives of the nine patients who participated in the study complained of great difficulty in following up the treatment:

  • Several tablets had to be administered: the medicine in addition to the various vitamins and supplements.
  • It is not easy to get a patient with Alzheimer’s to rest for seven hours a day, or to exercise every day.

For this reason, they generated a combined treatment that is expensive and somewhat complicated.

Despite this, the results are very positive. At the moment, they hope to continue making progress based on what they have already done. We are waiting for more information.

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