Recipe For Caramel Pudding With Persimmon And Chocolate

Did you know that you can combine persimmon and cocoa? Well, here you get a traditional dessert with two exotic ingredients that is here to stay. Keep reading to find out how to make it!
Recipe for caramel pudding with persimmon and chocolate

The main ingredients in our delicious caramel pudding are persimmon and chocolate. Both are quite popular these days, as people are finally recognizing their nutritional value. As you can imagine, these are now common products in local grocery stores.

This is a simple dessert with a surprising taste and texture that is liked by both large and small. It is a dish you are guaranteed to add to your repertoire.

A healthy dessert with a lot of potential

Persimmon and cocoa are two ingredients you may want to introduce into your daily diet. They are also quite versatile, as you can use them in a variety of ways: salads, smoothies, yogurts and desserts.

Persimmon is a fruit native to Japan and China, but today you can find it in many other countries in the world. There are many varieties, and all stand out for their unique taste.

Note the high content of water, fiber and vitamins A and C at a nutritional level. They also provide antioxidants and other components that have exceptional health effects.

Similarly, cocoa is native to the American continent. Known as the “food of the gods” by the Incas, it became popular in Europe due to its medicinal properties.

Natural cocoa does not contain the added sugar you find in chocolate, so it is better to consume it in its pure form. This is the best way to take advantage of its potential properties for the body – although experts point out that there is not enough scientific evidence behind these claims:

  • It helps protect the cardiovascular system by reducing blood pressure.
  • It contains antioxidants.
  • Finally, it improves blood circulation in the brain.
A bowl of cocoa
Cocoa is highly valued because of the taste that many attribute to cardiovascular health properties.

How to make caramel pudding with persimmon

When it comes to healthy desserts, you can achieve the most optimal results with just a few ingredients. The fruit is often the main ingredient.

Caramel pudding is a traditional dessert in many countries, so there are several ways to make them, all you need is the imagination to come up with different combinations of ingredients and flavors.

The most common cooking methods are baking and bain-marie, and you can incorporate fruit, vegetable drinks or change the traditional recipe and make a sugar-free version.

Option 1: A dessert without sugar, eggs or milk

This option requires only a small amount of pure cocoa and some ripe persimons, that’s it. It only takes a few minutes to make.

Ingredients to prepare 6 servings

  • 800 g persimons (the weight of the peeled and cut fruit)
  • 60 g 100% cocoa powder


  1. First, peel and cut the persimmon into medium-sized pieces and blend it to a creamy consistency
  2. Then add the cocoa and blend it again until it is homogeneous
  3. Then pour it into individual molds and cover with aluminum foil; then refrigerate for at least six hours (if possible overnight)
  4. You can take it out of the fridge after this time, notice the creamy consistency (it may be a little different from the traditional caramel pudding, but the result is just as tasty

This dessert may be on the list of sugar-free desserts, as it contains only natural sugars. It’s about the same as eating the fruit with cocoa.

Also, it is quite suitable for people with common intolerances and allergies such as eggs and milk. It is also suitable for celiacs if you use 100% cocoa.

Those who prefer a sweeter taste can add a kind of sweetener; although it is always better to get used to the actual taste of the fruit. Add a hint of cinnamon or vanilla to enhance the flavor if you think it needs it.

Option 2: Caramel pudding with persimmon and chocolate with eggs

The most traditional flan, but cooked at home and with fruit as the main ingredient.

The ingredients needed

  • 500 g ripe persimmon
  • 40 g 100% cocoa powder
  • 5 eggs
  • 150 g sugar
  • 100 g sugar for the caramel

Step by step

  1. First peel and comb the persimmons and then set them aside
  2. Then make the caramel by having 100 g of sugar in a saucepan and a small amount of water; cook it until it melts, and pour it into the mold to cover the bottom
  3. Blend the fruit and cocoa, the consistency should be thick and homogeneous
  4. In another bowl, beat the eggs with the rest of the sugar and add it to the previous mixture, pour it all into the mold containing the caramel, and cover it with aluminum foil
  5. Bake it at 180 degrees for an hour or boil it in a water bath for the same length of time; it will be ready when you stick a fork in it and it will come out clean.
  6. Remove it from the oven and set it aside to cool completely and put it in the fridge for at least two hours (cook it the day before you intend to serve it for better consistency and taste)
  7. You can reduce the sugar content of this recipe by skipping the caramel and adding some chopped nuts on top of it when you take it out of the mold.
Persimons on a surface
You can eat healthy and still enjoy the sweetness of persimmons.

The main features of caramel pudding with chocolate and persimmon

The two versions are relatively simple, and you can cook them in a short time (but you have to wait until they set). This is why this can be one of your regular desserts at any time of the week.

Remember that the first recipe will be better as an everyday dessert, and you may want to save the second for special occasions.

Garnish the caramel pudding with waffle biscuits when you serve it, you can also sprinkle some chopped nuts on it.

This type of dessert is great for eating more fruit and increasing variety. The striking color of persimmons reveals their impressive contribution of vitamins, antioxidants and beta-carotene.

Finally, chocolate lovers will enjoy the strong taste of real chocolate, you can get used to the bitterness, so do not be afraid of it and give it a try.

This is because it is the best way to get the most out of the benefits of cocoa. This plant has been valued for thousands of years in pre-Columbian cultures in what is now known as Mexico.

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