Natural Ways To Strengthen The Body’s Defenses

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Natural ways to strengthen the body's defenses

The immune system performs the important function of protecting the body against diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. So having a strong immune system helps you guarantee good health for all your regular activities and maintain a good quality of life. Learn how to naturally strengthen your body’s defenses below!

The role of the immune system is to identify and destroy organisms from the outside that invade the body. In fact, it is able to recognize something that has been introduced or comes in without detection. However, due to certain factors that we are exposed to on a daily basis or by poor lifestyle choices, the immune system can be weakened and this makes us vulnerable to various types of diseases. Fortunately, it is possible to strengthen the body’s defenses again by changing daily habits and trying these natural remedies.

Tips to increase the body’s defenses

Before we share some ways to help increase your defense, when it is already low, these are some good recommendations that are the key to having a strong immune system.

Eat lean proteins


Experts recommend eating meats such as beef and pork in moderation to take advantage of their important proteins. But you can also increase the consumption of fish and shellfish, which contain important nutrients that strengthen the body’s defenses.

Increase the consumption of fruit

Fruits primarily contain vitamins A, C and E, which help keep the immune system in top condition. To get more vitamin A, eat more carrots and green leafy vegetables. To increase your intake of vitamin C, add citrus fruits to your diet. And if you need extra vitamin E, you should focus on eating nuts and seeds.

Get 30 minutes of exercise a day


Healthcare professionals recommend that we exercise for at least 30 minutes every day – in addition to keeping fit, it also boosts the immune system, because physical activity causes white blood cells and antibodies to move faster through the body.

Avoid stressful situations

Stress can literally suck up all your energy and break down your body’s defense reserves. Therefore, it is best to avoid all stressful situations and try to reduce the workload, take things in stride, and join a yoga group or walk your dog for example. These activities can help you relax and free yourself from stress.

Natural ways to increase the body’s defenses

After taking the above recommendations, you can follow these home remedies to boost your weakened immune system. Remember to take them often, because they help prevent many diseases and keep the body ready to fight viruses and bacteria.

Juice of orange and carrot

4-carrot juice

Besides being a delicious juice that you can easily prepare at home, carrot and orange juices contain important nutrients, including vitamins A and C and antioxidants, which help strengthen the immune system.


  • 1 carrot
  • 2 oranges
  • A splash of water

How do you make it?

Pass the carrot through a juicer to extract the juice. If you only have one blender on hand, you can add some water to mix it. Then mix in the orange juice to get a drink that will really boost your defenses.

Juice of orange and kiwi

Kiwi is incredibly rich in vitamin C. In this recipe you will combine them with the properties of orange juice to make a powerful juice that will enhance the defenses.


  • 2 kiwis
  • 1 tablespoon of bee pollen
    • 1 orange

How do you make it?

Wash, peel and cut the kiwis before putting them in a blender. Add the bee pollen and orange juice and mix for a few minutes. Drink this juice every day, especially in winter when there is a higher risk of colds and flu.


Propolis is a kind of natural resin made from bees that is used to cover the holes in the structure to prevent the spread of bacteria. When we eat it, it fights bacteria, acts as a disinfectant, and improves the immune system. Mix 20 drops of propolis in a glass of water and drink it three times a day.

Juice that boosts the defense

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This juice combines the benefits of garlic, orange, onion and broccoli, and gives you a powerful remedy that will strengthen the immune system. Although it may not have the best taste, the health benefits are fantastic and it will help protect you from a variety of diseases.


  • 1 orange
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 onion
  • 1 bit broccoli

How do you make it?

Make a juice from the oranges and have all the ingredients in a blender to mix them into a smooth mixture. Drink this juice once a day for a week, then take a month off before repeating.

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