“Let’s Start Again. ” Do You Want To Take The Risk?

Can we really resist blaming the other person for everything? Are we really capable of avoiding doing the same thing out of revenge? Let us answer all this with true honesty and without judging ourselves for it.
"Let's start again."  Do you want to take the risk?

Do you want to start over in your relationship?

Starting a relationship again is something we sometimes want to do. This can either be because we are asking the other person to start over, or because both members of the relationship have come to that decision.

However, we may not be aware of the risks involved.

When we decide to start over, we do so with great enthusiasm; however, everything we have experienced with that person and which has led us to want to start again will not disappear.

Starting over will not make you forget

Starting over will not make you forget

You may want to start from scratch with our partner because we have been unfaithful, for example, and we promise we will never do it again.

However, this request may be self-defeating.

Do we really know that we will not make the same mistake again? Are we so afraid to turn up that we are lying to our partner and ourselves?

What usually happens in most cases is that the other agrees. Over time, however, they become cold and distant. This is because they can not trust you again.

Therefore, we must be fully aware of the risks of wanting to start from scratch in a relationship. In reality, there is no “start from zero” that we want…

Now we are no longer two strangers who know nothing about each other. We have gone through certain experiences that will continue there and that we can not forget.

This can lead to anger. The relationship cannot develop, and instead of moving on , we can become more distant.

Are you willing to forgive?

One must forgive to begin again

When we take the above into account, if we really want to start from scratch, we must be very confident in the step we are going to take.

As we have said, it is actually possible for a person to agree to start a relationship from scratch. However, it does not leave all the resentment, mistrust and bad taste that may have been left behind after the bad experience in the past.

Forgiving the other person can be very difficult if they have been unfaithful, abused us, or behaved in a way that caused us to lose confidence.

Do not force anything to happen. In case we think it is completely impossible to do this, we must be honest and say no to start again.

In this way, we will avoid harming ourselves and the other person as well as make the relationship very destructive for both of us.

Take off the bandage in front of your eyes

A man who is sad

If we can be aware of all of the above, be honest with ourselves and say “no, I can not start from scratch because you have hurt me and I can not continue as if it did not matter” , we will take care of ourselves the bandage in front of the eyes.

They do not take into account that they still feel pain, that they need to heal and that their relationship is completely ruined as a result of the negative experiences.

However, it is difficult for us to admit that our relationship has failed. We therefore try to the impossible, but we know deep down what the real result will be.

A man and a woman smiling

It is not necessary to do so much damage. It is true that there will be people who can start from scratch because they can truly forgive. However, this is not an easy thing for everyone to do.

Can we really resist blaming the other person for everything? Are we really capable of avoiding doing the same thing out of revenge? Let us answer all this with true honesty and without judging ourselves for it.

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