Learn How To Make Your Own Homemade VapoRub

The main active ingredients in this remedy are the following three: menthol, camphor and eucalyptus oil. Their mucosal decongestant actions work by improving the cold receptors in the nose, which cause an excellent fresh feeling in the airways and increase the passage of air.
Learn how to make your own homemade VapoRub

Known worldwide for its mucosal decongestant actions, VapoRub helps you breathe better and relieve symptoms of colds and flu. The nasal passages will be opened up through a simple breast massage with a small bit of this medicine, and the cold will be better. Want to make your own homemade VapoRub? Find out how in the following article.

Features of VapoRub

The main active ingredients in this remedy are the following three: menthol, camphor and eucalyptus oil. Their mucosal decongestant actions work by improving the cold receptors in the nose, which cause an excellent fresh feeling in the airways and increase the passage of air.

On the other hand, it has a property that fights dry cough and that will also quickly relieve symptoms of colds and flu. The application is appropriate through a massage or deep inhalation of the product, which will reduce discomfort within five minutes.

VapoRub sold in pharmacies is not intended for people with chronic lung disease, emphysema, asthma, convulsive cough, recurrent obstructive bronchitis, pregnancy and children under six years of age.

What else can you use VapoRub for?

In addition to having good properties for relieving colds, stuffy noses and flu, VapoRub can be used for:


When you get home after a long day at work, you can spread a good amount of this ointment on your feet and put your legs up, supported on a pillow, for example. You can also apply it before bedtime, put on socks and leave it on all night.



This menthol- and eucalyptus-based medicine is great for migraines. Just apply a little on the sides of the head (temples) or forehead with a circular massage. Tensions and pain will be resolved in a matter of minutes.

Get rid of pimples, blackheads and acne on the skin

This is not “scientifically proven”, but many people use it for a more beautiful face. Apply a small amount on the affected areas before bedtime and leave it on for an entire night.

Relieves sore muscles

When you exercise or play a sport, your muscles will usually ache the next day. A good way to alleviate this problem is by performing a massage with VapoRub. This will also help increase blood circulation.

Reduce skin irritation

This is a popular and frequently used ointment. You should apply this cream on your skin to treat rosacea or red spots. Apply it as a mask in the evening and in the morning you will go out with more protection on the skin against weather and wind.

hand cream

Recipes for making homemade VapoRub

These simple ingredients recipes that you will find in many places will help you create a natural version of VapoRub, with the same effects!

Homemade VapoRub Recipe No. 1

The necessary ingredients are:

  • 100 ml coconut oil (it can also be almond or olive oil)
  • 20 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
  • 10 drops of essential oil of rosemary
  • 20 drops of essential oil of mint
  • 200 grams of cocoa butter

Put cocoa butter in a water bath on low heat. When it becomes liquid, remove it from the heat and add coconut oil (or whatever you want). Stir constantly so that it mixes well. Finally, pour in the essential oils while continuing to stir. When you get a well-mixed mass, pour it into an opaque glass jar with a hermetic seal.

Put it in a dark place and wait until it hardens. You can keep it in this container for a year. Use it as much as you want.

Homemade VapoRub Recipe No. 2

This one has several ingredients, but they are all very easy to find, so do not despair. They are:

  • 120 ml olive oil
  • 240 ml coconut oil
  • 170 ml beeswax (grated)
  • 35 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
  • 30 drops of essential oil of mint
  • 15 drops of essential oil of rosemary
  • 15 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 10 drops of essential oil of camphor

Pour some water into a saucepan and then place in a small bowl, where you will put all the ingredients together. Prepare a hot water bath and stir until you get a well-mixed batter and the wax is melted. Pour it into a glass container and leave it at room temperature so that it cools and hardens. We do not recommend that children under the age of two use this.

Homemade VapoRub Recipe No. 3


This recipe is suitable for babies, unlike the other two. Homemade remedies are a good option to relieve the symptoms of colds in young children, because you do not want to introduce toxins or chemicals at a young age. The ingredients you need are:

  • 1/4 cup (60 ml) coconut oil
  • 12 drops of eucalyptus essential oil

Heat coconut oil and add eucalyptus oil. Mix well and allow to cool. It will cool and solidify after an hour. If you do not find eucalyptus oil, you can use lavender or chamomile (for babies under two months).

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