Learn How To Make Gelatin Treatments To Soothe Joint Pain

Gelatin can be a very effective treatment to give collagen to joints and reduce joint pain. Although it is more efficient to consume, you can also use it locally.
Learn how to make gelatin treatments to soothe joint pain

Almost no one is exempt from joint pain,  so therefore it is an advantage to know how to soothe joint pain.

Although they are more common in athletes or people who exert themselves physically, it has also been shown that they can be caused by injuries, genetic conditions and a sedentary lifestyle. People who deal with joint pain generally have difficulty performing their daily activities. In fact, they sometimes experience limited movement as well.

This may indicate a significant reduction in collagen levels. Collagen is a protein that builds up the primary base in cartilage tissue, bone and tendons. But fortunately, the catalog of natural medicine has a very effective means of stopping wear and tear on the joints and soothing joint pain.

And this remedy is gelatin. It is recommended by a wide range of healthcare professionals. And today we want to share the main benefits of using gelatin with you, along with the treatments used to soothe joint pain.

What are the benefits of using gelatin to soothe joint pain?


Gelatin is a very common and affordable food available on the market. It is used for several different culinary purposes, but also in health and beauty treatments.

From a nutritional perspective, it has a significant amount of protein, which comes from the processing of animal collagen. Thousands of people have incorporated it into their joint health diets because it contains nutrients that restore and protect connective tissue. It is estimated that it is present in 90% of the proteins in animal skins and skeletal systems, and in 2% of mineral salts and the rest of the water.

These compounds allow it to be used for therapeutic purposes, especially because they make it easier for the body to synthesize collagen. Therefore, eating gelatin regularly will protect the joints and provide extra protection for nails, hair, teeth and skin.

joint pain

Gelatin is also recommended to treat conditions that affect the connective tissue in the body, such as osteoarthritis. Its nutrients help reduce inflammation and repair worn cartilage.

It contains essential amino acids such as arginine and glycine, which the body needs to create muscle mass. It is a cholesterol-free, fat-free food, which also supports diet to increase metabolism and lose weight.

Gelatin contains substances that improve the digestion of heavy foods, which helps soothe inflammation in the stomach and gas. When used as a treatment, it provides elasticity and strength to tendons and ligaments to prevent injuries.

And if that was not enough, the nutrients strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of more diseases.

Treatments with gelatin to soothe joint pain

To take care of joint health, we recommend that you consume 10 grams of gelatin a day. This can be picked up via pastries, smoothies or other recipes. However, if you want to strengthen these therapeutic effects, we suggest a number of solutions that are designed solely to soothe joint pain.

Gelatin and cold water


This remedy should be taken every day before breakfast, at least half an hour before eating. It can be combined with fresh orange juice to improve the taste and for better absorption.


  • 1/2 tbsp. non-flavored gelatin (5 grams)
  • 1/2 glass of ice water (100 ml)
    1/2 glass of warm water (100 ml)

Here’s how to do it

  • Pour gelatin into the ice water and let it soak overnight.
  • The next day, add the hot water and heat it in a water bath.
  • When it is completely dissolved, remove it from the heat and drink it.

Milk with gelatin

Natural milk gelatin is another option to increase the amount of gelatin you ingest for your health.

This drink lubricates cartilage and ligaments to keep them strong and protected.


  • 2 tablespoons. unflavoured gelatin (20 grams)
  • 3/4 glass of cold milk (150 ml)

Here’s how to do it

  • Dilute gelatin in the cold milk and let it soak overnight.
  • If you want to make this drink a little sweeter, add a little honey.
  • Heat the mixture in a water bath, without boiling it.
  • Remove from the heat, allow to cool and drink.
  • This treatment is performed for at least 3 consecutive weeks.

Gelatin compress


Gelatin compresses do not give cartilage much nutrients, but they are a good alternative for soothing pain and inflammation.


  • 1 tablespoon. non-flavored gelatin (10 grams)
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 wide bandage
  • 1 sheet of plastic wrap

Here’s how to do it

  • Soak the bandage in warm water, fold it into several sections and apply the gelatin powder.
  • Wrap this around your painful joints and cover it with plastic wrap.
  • Leave the compress on for 20 minutes, then repeat every day.

Remember not to eat too much gelatin, as this causes problems with the stomach, liver and arteriosclerosis.

Follow these recommendations to reap the benefits of gelatin properties.


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