Learn How To Implement The Apple Diet To Get A Slimmer Stomach

Although somewhat restrictive in the beginning, this apple diet is ideal for detoxifying the body and increasing metabolism to lose weight in a healthy way.
Learn how to implement the apple diet to get a slimmer stomach

Is it a long time since you detoxified your body? Do you want to cleanse your body of toxins that accumulate? And maybe even lose a few extra pounds in a short time? In any case , we will present the apple diet to get a slimmer stomach .

It is a very convenient and economical option, since the diet consists of ingredients that are available to everyone. The only thing to keep in mind is that it is very restrictive and it is not recommended to follow it for too long .

It is meant to last a week, and it is possible that you will feel a certain lack of energy in the first few days.

Day 1

The first day of the apple diet to get a leaner stomach consists of just eating apples. This is a day you will feel very hungry, but it is also the day where you will lose the most weight (around 1.5 kilos).


But you do not have to worry about nutrients. Apples are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals. In addition , the body will not have energy problems, as it will use collected energy . This is why you will lose a few extra pounds this day.


  • 2 apples


  • 1 apple


  • 3 apples

Day 2

On the second day of the apple diet to get a slimmer stomach, we will add vegetables, which will make you feel a little less hungry. Olive oil will give you fats that hydrate and improve the quality of the cells .

As a spice you should use sea salt.


  • 1 apple + 1 glass of soy milk (200 ml)


  • 1 apple + salad (2 carrots, 1 small beetroot, mint leaves, olive oil, salt and pepper)


  • 2 apples

Day 3

On the third day of the apple diet to get a leaner stomach , the body will start to get good quality lean proteins . Here you can make some changes if you are a vegetarian, such as changing cheese or ham with tofu.


If you are not a vegetarian but want options, use yogurt instead of cheese or ham.


  • 1 apple + scrambled eggs with 2 eggs + 1 slice of wholemeal bread


  • 1 apple + salad (1 cucumber + 1 tomato + ok avocado + basil + 30 g cheese + salt + pepper + olive oil)


  • 1 apple + salad (2 slices turkey ham + 2 carrots + ½ cup boiled broccoli + salt + pepper)

Day 4

On the fourth day of the apple diet to get a slimmer stomach, we will add complex carbohydrates in larger quantities.

Potatoes and lentils will help with fiber and prepare your stomach until you start eating varied foods again . You can replace them with other legumes if you want. Green or black tea provides antioxidants that strengthen the body. Throughout the day you can drink as much tea as you want.


  • Smoothie with 1 apple + 2 stalks celery + ½ small beetroot + ½ cup soy milk (125 ml)


  • 1 apple + lentil soup + 1 cup black tea (250 ml)


  • 1 apple + vegetable soup + ½ boiled potato + 1 cup green tea (250 ml)

Day 5

On the last day of the apple diet to get a slimmer stomach, we will increase the amount of food and the variety of foods. The idea is to prepare the body to follow a healthy diet going forward. If you have followed the recommended diet, your metabolism will accelerate . This means that you are ready to make better use of the nutrients you get in you.


If you do not like potatoes, replace them with sweet potatoes, lentils or beans.


  • 1 apple + 2 boiled eggs + fried vegetables


  • 1 apple + oven-baked fish + ½ boiled potato + steamed vegetables


  • 1 apple + 5 walnuts + ½ cup almond milk (100 ml)

Latest considerations about the apple diet to get a slimmer stomach

  • Remember to drink plenty of water. Every day you should make sure to drink two liters of water . It is best to distribute this amount evenly throughout the day, starting with a glass in the morning. Finish with a glass of water before going to bed.
  • Eat healthy, organic and fresh foods. Try to avoid frozen foods, as these do not always take care of all the nutrients.

What do you think? Have you tried this apple diet to get a slimmer stomach?

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