Is VLDL Cholesterol Harmful?

To slow down the oxidation rate of VLDL cholesterol, you need to ensure the intake of antioxidants through your diet. Learn more in this article.
Is VLDL Cholesterol Harmful?

VLDL cholesterol consists of lipoproteins with very low density that can be harmful to health. It is present in a small proportion of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol makes up a fraction.

Experts do not currently classify an increase in the concentration of these lipoproteins as dangerous. However , they consider the oxidation rate as a concern. For this reason, it is crucial to implement a number of strategies to modulate the lipid profile and reduce the oxidation rate of VLDL cholesterol.

It is important to prevent oxidation of VLDL cholesterol

Apparently, as an article in the journal Current Medicinal Chemistry says, oxidation of VLDL cholesterol can increase the risk of atheroma plaque formation. And this is harmful and dangerous for cardiovascular health.

To reduce the oxidation rate of these lipoproteins, it is necessary to make certain dietary changes. The first of these is to increase the consumption of foods from the plant kingdom. Many of these products contain substances with a significant antioxidant effect.

An example is lycopene in tomatoes. This nutrient reduces the formation of free radicals and also the oxidation rate of the lipoproteins that make up total cholesterol. We can see this in an article that appeared in the journal Atherosclerosis , which links regular tomato consumption to a reduction in cardiovascular risk.

Some foods help to modulate the lipid profile

At the same time, there are products in the diet that can positively modulate the lipid profile. These foods manage to increase the proportion of HDL cholesterol and reduce LDL and VLDL, consequently.

Mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids fulfill this function, which we can find in vegetable oils, fatty fish and nuts, among other things .

Other nutrients, such as fiber, can also affect cholesterol levels. Experts have even associated them with a reduction in cardiovascular risk. One of the hypotheses that exists to support this claim is their ability to positively affect the reduction of VLDL lipoprotein oxidation.

Salmon, avocado, olive oil, seeds and nuts.

Restriction of foods to prevent VLDL oxidation

Just as there are foods in the diet that can modulate the lipid profile and reduce the oxidation rate, there are others that have the opposite effect. This is the case with processed products that are rich in trans fats and simple sugars.

Trans fat, which results from exposing oils to high temperatures, has inflammatory effects and promotes oxidation. There are other lipids with inflammatory properties, such as omega-6 fatty acids. However, these are important in the human diet. You just need to make sure that they are in balance with omega-3 fatty acids.

Other substances, such as alcohol, help to promote the effect of oxidation and increase cardiovascular risk. For this reason, it is important to limit and, if possible, eliminate consumption. Instead, it is much better to use sparkling water, for example.

A stressed person who drinks alcohol.

Cholesterol can be harmful

Although total cholesterol has traditionally been linked to cardiovascular risk, we now know that this is not the case.

Rather, it is the oxidation of a small fraction of LDL cholesterol, the VLDL lipoproteins, that may be responsible for the increased risk of atheroma plaque formation.

To minimize this situation, certain dietary strategies are important. Many of them involve increasing the consumption of vegetables, which contain vitamins and phytonutrients of antioxidant effects.

At the same time, it is a good idea to increase the intake of omega-3 fatty acids, since they are able to positively modulate the individual’s lipid profile.

Finally, it is worth highlighting the need to reduce the intake of all foods that can promote oxidation and inflammatory processes. This includes, for example, processed foods that are rich in trans fatty acids and additives.

Finally, a healthy diet always prioritizes fresh foods over industrial foods. Another typical case is alcohol, as this drug is able to increase cardiovascular risk and worsen health-related markers. Therefore, you should avoid it.

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