Is It Possible To Overcome A Kissing Phobia?

Philemaphobia or kissing phobia is the intense and unwarranted fear of kissing. It stems from anxiety, and psychological therapy is the best treatment.
Is it possible to overcome a kissing phobia?

Philemaphobia basically means “kissing phobia”, which is the irrational fear of kissing. This means that people feel uncomfortable with a friendly kiss on the cheek. It is a type of anxiety disorder.

People with this condition assume that all kisses have negative consequences. For example, some people do not feel comfortable revealing their feelings and feel vulnerable when kissing. In other words, this person interprets it as an attack on their integrity.

Their interpersonal relationships are severely limited as a result. OK, but why does it happen? Are there any ways to deal with it? Today’s article addresses the main causes of kissing phobia and some strategies for overcoming it.

Symptoms of kissing phobia

In general, all phobias have similar symptomatology. In this case, the focus of fear is centered around kissing; anxiety about being kissed or kissing yourself. In fact, it causes the kind of distress that leads to characteristic physical symptoms such as sweating, a feeling of suffocation and headaches.

In addition to this, there are also psychological symptoms that can not be observed. For example , people with philemophobia experience catastrophic thoughts as the prevailing idea that a kiss can cause them to contract serious illnesses.

Therefore, patients tend to stay away from any romantic situation to feel safe. In fact, in the most extreme cases, they avoid meeting people completely.

A woman trying to kiss a man.
People with a kissing phobia are afraid to give or receive kisses because they think it is dangerous.

The causes of kissing phobia

The causes of this specific phobia are related to traumatic events related to kissing. It can happen after a first unsatisfactory kiss as people will avoid re-experiencing this previous experience.

However, other situations can cause people to move away from romantic intimacy. Below we show the phobias associated with the fear of kissing in order to recognize all the scenarios associated with it.

1. Fear of being abandoned

Some people associate kissing with commitment. Thus, they avoid giving or receiving kisses for fear of being abandoned. Low self-esteem is part of the problem in these cases, as people have a low self-esteem. They tend to think “why would anyone be with me?”

2. Haptephobia

This is another specific phobia, and these people have an intense fear of being touched. Consequently, kissing generates panic as it is a form of intimate and intense contact.

3. Mysophobia

Mysophobia or germaphobia is closely linked to the fear of kissing. The reason for this phobic connection is that the person is convinced that the bacteria in the saliva of other people are dangerous. Thus, the thought of being able to contract a fatal disease during a kiss leads to avoidance behavior.

4. Halitophobia

People with halitophobia do not like mouth odor. Therefore, this type of rejection is not the result of bad breath. In fact, any type of odor coming from the mouth is a source of disgust and even fear. Even the smell of their own mouth is unpleasant for people who experience this phobia. As you can imagine, there is a big obstacle when it comes to kissing.

A woman rejects a man's attempt to kiss her.
There are many types of kissing phobias, be it the fear of being touched, the fear of being abandoned or just strong disgust for mouth odor.

Is it possible to overcome a kissing phobia?

Overcoming phobias largely depends on patients’ ability to introspect. This means being able to make an objective personal assessment to identify irrational perceptions. This is why the most effective treatment for phobias is cognitive behavioral therapy.

The goal of this type of therapy is to help a patient replace the mental ideas that perpetuate their phobias. For example, a person with philemophobia can accept the fact that not all kisses represent a health hazard through cognitive restructuring.

As the catastrophic ideas are dismantled, the patient begins to give himself the opportunity to experience the fears that previously paralyzed them. It is natural that people remain suspicious during the first experiences. They finally have to kiss fully.

When is it really dangerous to kiss someone?

It is true that kissing can be dangerous in some circumstances, especially the most passionate. However, a kiss is unlikely to lead to a fatal disease under normal conditions.

Finally, kissing someone when you notice warts or sores in the mouth area can be harmful. This is because it can be a sign of herpes. In addition , people with poor oral hygiene are more likely to get diseases from kissing. Lastly, be selective about who you kiss, but don’t get extreme.

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