Is It Normal To Go To The Bathroom Often At Night?

Is it normal to go to the bathroom often at night?

This disease is called nocturia, and although it often occurs in older people and causes them to go to the bathroom often at night. Young people can also suffer from it due to specific health problems.

In this article we will talk about this very common night disorder, going to the bathroom often at night. This is to inform you of possible causes. As always, we recommend that you consult your doctor if you experience any health problems.

Why do you have the urge to pee during the night?

It’s not very nice to have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. It interrupts our rest. Doctors tell us that this problem of going to the bathroom often at night is very common, especially in men who are between 55 and 70 years old.

This is usually due to “prostate hyperplasia”, a disease in which the size of the prostate grows and partially obstructs the ureter in such a way that the bladder is never completely emptied, which then leads to the need to urinate several times before it is completely relieved.

When it comes to women, the reasons obviously have very different origins, but are almost always associated with specific diseases that are usually not very serious. Despite this, we need to be aware of the symptoms. In particular, you need to be aware that if you need to get up more than twice during the night to go to the bathroom, then it is not normal.

Let us now look at what some of the reasons may be:


It is common for people who suffer from insomnia to also have a general need to go to the bathroom often. This is not a symptom of a disease. It is simply an attempt to relax a bit by going to the toilet and trying to relax. This is not a big problem, and as we said, it is something very characteristic of people who have trouble falling asleep.

Hyperactive bladder

This type of pathology is very common among older women, and can generally be associated with a number of diseases such as simple cystitis and type 2 diabetes. It is also possible to suffer from a hyperactive bladder after suffering a stroke. As I said, it is a common occurrence in older people, and it can be derived from other diseases.


Cystitis is very common in younger people, especially women. There are times when you suddenly feel the urge to go to the bathroom often. When you urinate, you sometimes feel pain or it feels as if the bladder is not completely emptied.

Some medications

This is another factor that you should keep in mind. There are many medications that stimulate urination and that produce inflammation of the bladder or disease of the kidneys. If you are receiving any kind of treatment, be aware of the side effects or other symptoms it may produce. If in doubt, consult your doctor.


As a consequence of glucose in the blood you can get an increase in urine, dehydration, sweating, and above all, nocturia. Never overlook these symptoms, especially if you have to get up between 3 and 6 times each night and it has become a habit in your life. Do not overlook this problem.

After drinking plenty of fluids during the day

This is without a doubt something that only happens once in a while. There are days when we drink a little more water, soda or juice, or maybe we have drunk a little more alcohol at a party. All of this ends up making us have to get up more often during the night to “remove” all of this fluid.

It is, as we said, something that only happens once in a while, and in general we we do not suffer from this for more than one night.

Aspects to watch out for if you have to go to the bathroom often at night

Women's health

It is also important that you are aware of these indicators. Talk to your doctor to find out if the problem is serious or not. Write this down:

  • When did you start suffering from nocturia? Is it something rare or are you bothered with it every night?
  • How many times each night do you get up to pee?
  • How much fluid do you normally drink before going to bed?
  • Are your feet swollen often? Do you always feel thirsty? Do you feel dizzy during the day? (These are symptoms of kidney problems or diabetes.)
  • What medications do you usually take?
  • Do your parents also suffer from this problem? Do you have siblings who suffer from it?
  • What other symptoms have you noticed lately? Back pain? Stomach pain?
  • Does it bother you to have to go up to the bathroom to rest your night? Do you get up very tired in the morning?

With these questions, your doctor will be able to get a better idea of ​​the situation. Take care of yourself!!


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