Improve Kidney Function Naturally With These 8 Tips

You can improve the health of your kidneys by drinking more water and trying to sweat more. This helps prevent infections and remove toxins from the body.
Improve kidney function naturally with these 8 tips

The kidneys are delicate organs that are vulnerable to factors such as poor diet, stress and negative emotions. It is important to take care of them to prevent serious conditions, especially if you have a personal or family history of kidney problems. In this article, we will share 8 tips to improve kidney function through diet, natural remedies and simple tricks.

Tips to improve kidney function

1. Drink water

Drinking water all day is the easiest, cheapest and most natural way to take care of your kidneys and prevent kidney stones, inflammation and infections. However, make sure that it is water with a low sodium content. If not, it can do more harm than good.

  • Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Spread it throughout the day, always between meals and especially the first glass should be on an empty stomach.

2. Check salt intake

A small amount of salt every day is good for you as long as it is not refined (choose sea salt, Himalayan salt, etc.) The problem is if you eat too much, either in ready-made meals or as spices. Frozen meals often contain table salt, which is just sodium chloride and does not contain the balance of minerals and trace elements that your body needs.

  • If you eat too much salt, your kidneys need to retain more water in order to process it, which leads to a fluid imbalance in your body.
  • At the same time, it causes high blood pressure, which damages nephrons over time.

3. Reduce your intake of dairy products

Reducing the intake of dairy products can improve kidney function

Salt is not the only food that is harmful to your kidneys. Milk and dairy products increase the amount of calcium that is removed from your body via urine. This can increase the risk of kidney stones, especially if you do not drink a lot of water and have a genetic predisposition.

  • People who consume dairy products for calcium should remember that calcium in dairy products is not digested properly. It can damage your kidneys in the long run.

4. Cut down on sugar intake

Your kidneys, along with your lungs, are responsible for balancing your blood pH. Eating sugar increases the body’s acidity, which can overload your kidneys.

  • Although we have always talked about salt being the main cause of kidney problems, sugar can also have a negative effect on them.
  • You can choose healthy options such as stevia, panela or coconut sugar.

5. Sweat

A man who is sweating in his forehead

Every time you sweat, you reduce the strain on your kidneys. Sweating is another way to remove fluids and toxins from your body. As a result, sweating can be an excellent way to improve kidney function.

What are good ways to sweat?

  • High or medium intensity training, or interval style exercises.
  • Saunas.
  • Eating strong foods like ginger or cayenne pepper.

6. Kidney cleansers

Once or twice a year, especially when the seasons change, it is a good idea to do some form of cleansing or detoxification. It will help your kidneys to remove toxins and improve liver and kidney function in general.

To perform a kidney cleanse, try the following remedies:

  • Garlic and onion soup .
  • Green smoothie made from pear, celery and apple.
  • Dandelion tea, drill and reels.

7. Fear and your kidneys

A woman who is scared

Negative emotions can also affect organ function. Anger damages the liver, sadness damages the lungs, and for the kidneys, fear is the biggest culprit. Professional therapists can teach you to face life with courage and optimism.

8. Applying heat to improve kidney function

Like the liver, the kidneys can benefit from locally applied heat using a hot water bottle or heating pad. It is very important to keep cold drafts away from the kidneys if you have kidney problems.

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