Hypothyroidism: 5 Options For A Complete And Healthy Breakfast

To improve symptoms related to hypothyroidism, there is nothing better than starting the day with a good dose of iodine through natural sources, such as blueberries and oatmeal.
Hypothyroidism: 5 options for a complete and healthy breakfast

Living with hypothyroidism is not easy. Despite the fact that it is a disease that responds well to the right medical treatment, there is something that all patients know: you need to change your diet. No matter what changes occur in the thyroid gland, it triggers a number of changes in the body that require us to establish new routines and eat healthier. Here are 5 options for a complete and healthy breakfast.

In case of hypothyroidism there is a deficiency of  thyroxine hormone. Gradually, this leads to a change in the organic activity behind metabolic, neural, cardio-circular and digestive functions.

Weight gain, thinning hair, fatigue and changes in body temperature are changes that quickly affect the lives of many people. However, medical treatment is generally effective and patients are able to stabilize the activity of the thyroid gland. While taking medication, what dietary guidelines should be followed? Below are 5 options for a complete and healthy breakfast.

1. To treat hypothyroidism, say yes to natural beverages and healthy breakfast

Hypothyroidism: 5 options for a complete and healthy breakfast

Nutritionists tell us that the first thing you need to keep in mind with hypothyroidism is that we need to have a balanced diet. We know, for example, that raising iodine intake will regulate the thyroid gland when it functions at a lower level.

But it’s not about just eating food with this mineral. You do not have to go to extremes.

  • We must remember that coffee, as well as tea or soy, are not good for hypothyroidism. But we do not have to exclude them forever from our diet. We can enjoy them occasionally, but not several times a day.
  • Starting the day without a big cup of coffee every day can be traumatic, but it will go well with a cup three times a week.

What we really need to take into account in our diet are the benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables. Take note of these natural drinks that go well with a full and healthy breakfast.

  • Natural carrot juice.
  • Natural apple juice.
  • Smoothie with cucumber, lemon and spirulina.

2. Garlic

Garlic is very good for regulating the thyroid gland and treating hypothyroidism because it is rich in iodine and selenium, two important minerals for those who have this type of disease.

It helps to accelerate the metabolism along with many other basic functions. We recommend the following:

  • Spread two cloves of garlic on wholemeal bread.
  • You can also make an omelette with garlic – eggs are also good for hypothyroidism.

3. Oatmeal

Hypothyroidism: 5 options for a complete and healthy breakfast

You can eat oatmeal with apple slices, kiwi, strawberry or peach.

  • It stimulates digestion, which helps regulate bowel movements, a common problem with hypothyroidism.
  • The iodine content will help with both metabolic and hormonal functions.
  • We can not forget that oatmeal makes us feel good, regulates bad cholesterol (or LDL) and is very filling.

You should definitely include oatmeal in your breakfast!

4. Whole grain breakfast cereals with nuts

Whole grains provide nutrients, fiber and minerals that are good for hypothyroidism.

  • They also regulate blood sugar levels and control appetite.
  • Whole grains are essential for increasing iodine levels. If you add a spoonful of nuts and some fruit, you will have a complete, delicious breakfast.

4. Natural organic yogurt


If you are lactose intolerant, natural yoghurt is a good idea for breakfast as it is a natural, iodine-rich probiotic food. You get several benefits if you find an organic variant, or if you know how to make it yourself.

5. Blueberries

Did you know that blueberries are natural treasures that are rich in antioxidants and a powerful source of iodine?

  • Try to eat them when they are in season. Have them in natural yoghurt, or mix them with a spoonful of oatmeal and you will have a great alternative to breakfast.

To sum up: one way to start the day right is by taking care of our thyroid gland with a good breakfast. The options we have suggested are very good for hypothyroidism. But remember that physical activity also stimulates our metabolism.

So, if you have time, after a good breakfast there is nothing better than going for a walk or practicing yoga. Certain positions activate the thyroid gland by compressing, stretching and stimulating the area where the gland is located.

It’s worth keeping in mind!

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