How To Reduce Dry Skin On The Face

Are you tired and weary of all the dry skin? Try some of these natural remedies!
How to reduce dry skin on the face

Dry skin on the face is a very common problem and can occur at any time in life. However, it happens more often in people over 40, or in the winter.

In the following article, we will tell you how to reduce the appearance of dry skin on your face in a natural way.

Dry skin on the face: how to get rid of it

There are several factors that cause dry skin  on the face. This condition can be the result of genetic predisposition, environment or climate, excessive washing or use of certain products.

If you have this problem, please note the following tips:

Dry Skin

1. Daily humidity

In the shops you can buy creams that meet your condition that you have to apply every day or, if possible, even several times a day. It does not help to apply a thick layer of moisturizer today, and then forget about it until next week. It is important to use it daily, at least in the morning and in the evening. To help you remember that, you can leave the product by the bed or in the bathroom.

To increase the amount of hydration your skin receives, it is also good to use the product after washing your face or after showering. Do not forget that it is always better to use mild products to avoid skin irritation.

2. Wash your face with lukewarm water

Woman washes face

You should wash your face with lukewarm water when you come home from work or exercise, when you wake up in the morning and before you go to bed. This will help your pores to relax, which will help your skin stay hydrated. Washing the area with very hot water is not good because it irritates the skin and removes hydration. This also applies to showering. If you use high temperature water (for example in winter), we recommend that you wash your face with cold water.

3. Carefully exfoliate your face

It is a mistake to think that people with dry skin do not need to peel their face. After all, this technique is used to remove dead skin cells and minimize pores, so it is effective on all skin types.

You should keep in mind that many products that are marketed can aggravate your condition. Therefore, in addition to making sure that the product fits your skin, you should massage it into the skin very gently. When you are done, do not forget to moisturize your skin.

4. Dry the skin slowly

When you have finished showering or washing your face, it is best for the skin to dry itself. If you do not like this very much, you can dry yourself gently with the towel you use.

  • First and foremost , the towel should be made of cotton or other soft material.
  • Second, do not rub the towel on your skin, but instead  pat it gently for a maximum of 20 seconds.
  • Another option is to use a soft cloth and apply some pressure when drying your skin.

5. Drink plenty of water

Woman drinking water

It is very important to hydrate your skin from the inside in order not only to provide flexibility but also elasticity. By drinking water you can eliminate toxins that cause dryness. Meanwhile, water also helps transport nutrients to cells.

If you are very bothered by dry skin on your face, we recommend that you drink at least 2 liters of water per day. This also includes natural fruit juices and herbal infusions.

6. Protect your skin with Vaseline

Those who suffer from dry skin know that their situation gets worse in the winter due to the home’s heating system, wind, low temperatures and snow. If this is the case, you can apply Vaseline to your face before leaving the house to maintain the natural moisture in your skin for a long time.

7. Eat healthy

Just as water moisturizes your skin, so do fruits and raw vegetables. In addition , they provide many nutrients and vitamins that improve your overall health. Try to eat  at least 2 fruits and 2 servings of vegetables per day, especially those that are in season.

Among the best options are:

  • Watermelon
  • Tomato
  • Apples
  • Leaf beet

8. Wash with milk

Believe it or not, many face creams that can be purchased in stores contain milk. This is because milk is a natural cleansing and moisturizing agent that is very effective.

  • To apply the milk, you must first wash your face thoroughly.
  • Then soak a cotton ball or cloth in milk and apply it on your skin.

This will not only prevent irritation and provide moisture, but also reduce redness and dryness. It is best to use whole milk because it contains more lactic acid, fat and lipids.

9. Reduce your intake of salt and fat

Fruits and vegetables

Fast food not only leads to weight gain and causes cholesterol problems. In addition, your body also dehydrates, and the problem worsens the situation with dry skin.

  • Limit your intake of salty, fried or caffeinated foods.
  • In addition, you must avoid drinking too much alcohol and soda.

10. Do not smoke

Tobacco has countless harmful health effects. One of them is related to your skin.

  • This is because cigarette smoke contains tar that clogs your pores and causes dryness and pimples.
  • In turn , it prevents the skin from breathing, thus depriving the body’s cells of access to oxygen.
  • As if this were not enough, smoking reduces vitamin C reserves in the tissues.

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