How To Make A Treatment With Alcohol And Rosemary Against Cellulite

Although you can buy this alcohol and rosemary treatment ready-made, it is best to make it at home to ensure that it is completely clean and of good quality.
How to make a treatment with alcohol and rosemary for cellulite

Cellulite is a common condition that occurs when the soft tissue becomes inflamed, either due to problems with the circulation or the lymphatic system. It is characterized by the formation of small nodules of fat below the skin surface, which look like the pits or peel of an orange. More than 90% of the female population develops this problem due to constant hormonal changes, obesity, or by not getting enough exercise. Although it also affects men, women suffer more often from it, regardless of their weight. Learn about a treatment with rosemary and alcohol for cellulite !

So far, there are no exact causes that can explain why it occurs, and treatment is difficult, although it has been shown that continuous use of bad habits will have a lot to do with it.

Fortunately, there are many cosmetic products and treatments that aim to fight cellulite and make your skin tight and smooth. The problem with these products is that they are expensive and not available to anyone who wants to use them.

The good news is that there are 100% natural, affordable treatments that have good results when used on a regular basis. This is the case for the popular treatment with alcohol and rosemary, a product that can reduce the problems of cellulite significantly if used topically.

Today we want to share its features with you, and give you a simple recipe you can try at home.

Take notes!

Why use this treatment with alcohol and rosemary?


Rosemary alcohol is one of the best ways to absorb the properties of this herb through the skin. Its benefits can be attributed to its strong anti-inflammatory effect which improves circulation. B ekjemper water retention, and reduces inflammation in the tissue.

It is also considered to be a natural toner that helps to hold the skin firmly and prevent it from sticking. Because of these important properties, women have been using rosemary to reduce the appearance of cellulite in their beauty routines for a while now. Before you decide to apply it, however, we must make it clear that it is not a miracle product.

While this blend of alcohol and rosemary has been shown to have many benefits when it comes to cellulite. B lightheaded you do not expect that it completely removes your problem areas regardless of your other habits.

This means that in order to fight this problem, you also need to improve your diet, get plenty of exercise, and adopt other good habits that promote fat loss.

Recipe for treatment with alcohol and rosemary


Due to its many therapeutic uses, rosemary alcohol is available as a commercial product in pharmacies and health food stores abroad.

We would recommend a homemade solution to ensure that it is 100% organic.


  • 5 sprigs of fresh rosemary, including the leaves and flowers
  • 3/4 cup with pure alcohol
  • 1 airtight glass bottle


  • Chop the fresh rosemary into small pieces and place them in the glass bottle.
  • Add the alcohol until it completely covers the rosemary.
  • Close the glass bottle completely tightly and store it in a dark place for 15 days.
  • After this time has passed, use a clean cloth to filter the alcohol from the rosemary.

How to use it

  • The first thing you need to do is scrub the skin on the area you want to treat to improve its capacity to absorb the treatment.
  • After this step, wipe the area, dip a cloth in the rosemary alcohol and rub it into the skin with a light massage.
  • Be sure to move upwards. Start from the knee area and move up to the thighs and hips.
  • Focus on the back of the thighs, just below the buttocks, which is where cellulite most often occurs.
  • Let the mixture with alcohol and rosemary  soak in for 15 minutes before rinsing with cold water.
  • For best results, have your treatment followed by a firming cream.
  • Repeat this application every day, focusing on your problem areas.

Remember that these effects are not immediate and they will only be achieved if you are consistent. Try to be patient and follow all our recommendations to start seeing results.

Buy rosemary at your local store and make this recipe at home to get all the benefits of it.

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