How To Lose Weight By Reducing Your Daily Calorie Intake

Did you know that the lack of sleep and not allowing the feeling of satiety to reach the brain can cause us to go to bed? Irregular sleep can also stimulate our appetite
How To Lose Weight By Reducing Your Daily Calorie Intake

Needless to say, calories are what make us gain weight, combined with bad habits and little physical activity. This is why it is important to reduce your daily calorie intake to maintain your ideal weight and to feel better.

Starting an exercise program to lose weight will be virtually a waste if we do not care about our daily calorie intake. We need to know how many calories we need to stay healthy and fit. And we must understand that anything above that amount will turn into fat.

Nutritionists say we need to cut out 500 calories from our daily calorie intake if we want to lose weight. But we can not just stop eating. We need to combine our eating routines with a good amount of exercise and a balanced diet.


Methods to reduce your daily calorie intake

Sleep well

Believe it or not, weight loss is related to how many hours a day you sleep. Irregular sleep causes an increase in a hormone that not only stimulates appetite, but also the feeling of satiety in the brain. The more consecutive hours you sleep, the less time you will think about food. This will also improve your health in other ways. Like giving yourself energy throughout the day, not getting sick, being in a better mood, not stressing, etc. Try to lie down and get up at the same time every day.

Drink plenty of water

Diets not only contain fluid, but the truth is that drinking three liters of water per day will increase your digestion. And it also fills your stomach so that your appetite does not become so big. Of course, this does not mean that you should only drink water and suppress the urge to eat. But before you eat chocolate or potato chips, you may want to drink a glass of water. This will help remove toxins and avoid constipation. Your skin will also look better. If you drink a glass of cold water 15 minutes before eating, you will not be so desperate when eating.

cold water

Reduce the amount of sugar

Sugar is found in most foods, both processed and prepared foods, and it does nothing good for your health. On the contrary. Reduce or eliminate your sugar intake to experience benefits you may not have even imagined. For every tablespoon of sugar you eat, you add 20 calories to your body, in addition to releasing insulin, the hormone that helps accumulate fat.

Eat more fruits and vegetables

Adding more fruits and vegetables to your daily diet has many benefits. Nutritionists recommend that you get five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. It will provide fewer calories while reducing the consumption of other foods. For example, if you get hungry in the middle of the workday, you should eat an apple or a pear, rather than chocolate cake or other baked goods. Fruits and vegetables give us vitamins, minerals, fiber, water and other important elements, and in most cases this gives us less than 100 calories.


Choose a healthy lifestyle

Choose foods with a lower amount of fat

Include dairy products (cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, cheese, etc.), lean meats (turkey or chicken, tenderloin), fat-free ham, fat-free broth. Replace meat with fish and eggs three times a week. 

healthy breakfast

Eat sauces and dressings in moderation

Healthier dressings can contain  olive oil, sunflower oil or corn oil. Always use sparingly, these oils are healthy but will also give you a lot of energy. When it comes to sauces, you should choose those with less fat, such as tomato, pepper, light mayonnaise with yogurt or vegetables. If you prepare it yourself, you must be careful about how much oil you use.

There are many ways to prepare dinner and lunch to control the amount of fat, sugar and salt. A good meal will include lean meat from, for example, poultry or fish, and vegetables. You can use foil around the vegetables and potatoes or the fish, season and let it bake in the oven. The frying pan can also be used for vegetables in a pan with a little oil or cooking spray. Steamed, boiled or fried is a good idea, as well as baked.

Once a week you can treat yourself to something fried or grilled, because you do not have to stop eating everything you like. If you are making breaded food, you can add a tablespoon of water for each egg you mix in, so that you use less oil. Use paper towels to remove excess oil. In stews or stews, you can remove the skin from poultry and visible fat from meat before frying.

We hope you enjoyed this article on how to lose weight by reducing your daily calorie intake.


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