How To Increase The Feeling Of Happiness When You Feel Sad

Sadness can affect many different aspects of our lives. In this article we will share some things you can do on those days when everything gets a little too much.
This way you can increase the feeling of happiness when you feel sad

We often do not know why we are sad, or how we can change the way we feel. Sadness is one of the most common emotions among people, and it can be triggered by a number of reasons. In this article we will tell you what you can do when you are sad, as well as how to increase your sense of happiness.

Increase the feeling of happiness: Tips to stop being sad

Sad woman.

We can obviously not expect magical solutions from one minute to the next, but we can at least do everything in our power to improve things. If you feel sad, these habits will come in handy:

1. Release it

Crying or expressing our feelings is often viewed negatively in our society, but that is often what most of us need to do to begin to feel better.

If you do not want to talk to anyone, write down your thoughts, fears and worries in a notebook. Sometimes this can help us get a better overview of the big picture, our emotions, and it can help us find a solution.

It does not matter how organized it is. It also does not matter if you write many different things together. Let your emotions flow. The idea is that you drop everything out and into the notebook.

2. Give yourself peace to increase the feeling of happiness

When we are sad, we do not really want to do things that require too much concentration or effort. This is why it is difficult to exercise or do errands or be efficient at work. A good way to feel better is to enjoy a pleasant activity without thinking about anything special.

For example, you can watch an episode of your favorite TV series, or a comedy movie. Another choice is to sit down in a comfortable chair and read a good book while enjoying a cup of tea or coffee. You can also watch funny videos to entertain yourself and not think of anything that bothers you.

3. Le

Woman laughing.

Just like that without further ado. Even if it’s a fake laugh. Laughter itself improves your mood because you release hormones called endorphins. Try to do it in front of a mirror. First you make a smile, and laugh as much as you can.

If this does not work, think of funny videos or comedy movies you have seen. You can even ask a friend or colleague to tell you jokes. Whatever makes you laugh!

4. Walk the dog to increase the feeling of happiness

There are as many benefits to doing this for you as for your dog. When we are tired, we often do not want to leave the house. However, if you have a dog, you have a certain responsibility, such as at least taking it out to do its thing. This can be the perfect excuse to get some fresh air.

Without realizing it, you will get oxygen in your lungs and exercise. You will be able to clear your mind and pay attention to what is happening around you. To look around before crossing the street, find a bench in a park, collect dog waste, etc.

5. Focus on the good things

Do things to increase your sense of happiness.

Sadness tends to be caused by something negative that later expands to affect many different aspects of our lives. Do not give it a chance! When we feel sad, everything can look gray, as if we have a dark cloud hanging over our heads. How can we reverse this feeling?

A good way is to think of nice things. Around you you will find dozens of situations, people or objects that make you feel lucky and valued. Think about all the good memories, the journeys you have made, your friends and loved ones, the food you eat every day, your personal achievements, etc.

Every day you can try to find something new that makes you smile and increase the feeling of happiness. It can be something very small, like being able to fit on the subway on the way home, or something big like meeting the love of your life.

6. To increase the feeling of happiness: Order

In order for you to be able to think clearly, you need order around you. If your bedroom, living room or office is full of things, it’s hard to feel good. Furthermore, this task can help to distract you. You have to think about where each object should be, what needs to be thrown away, things that need to be fixed or cleaned, etc.

7. Dance and sing

Dancing will increase the feeling of happiness.

Just as you will feel better by forcing a smile, your whole body will change completely if you listen to some music you can dance to. Especially if you start moving with the rhythm! Watch the radio, or a selection of internet videos while you wash. There is nothing more fun than cleaning the house while listening to fun music.

If this does not work, try singing in front of the mirror. Use the hairbrush, a bottle of water or a pen as a microphone. You want to have a lot of fun and put the sadness aside.

8. Eat a piece of fruit

Or a small piece of chocolate. Food can be very tempting when we are sad. Of course, you have to be careful with your choices. Even if you currently want to eat something fatty or sugary, you can try to choose something healthy. Some fruit, a handful of nuts or some jam on toast. These foods will help your brain release serotonin, a hormone related to making you feel happy.

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