How To Avoid Mosquitoes – 4 Unusual Tricks

Did you know that the color of your clothes can help you avoid mosquitoes? Dark colors attract more mosquitoes because they capture carbon dioxide from the body.
How to avoid mosquitoes - 4 unusual tricks

Mosquitoes can be a real nuisance, and are a spread of many different diseases. It is now known that some people attract more mosquitoes  than others. Here are some unusual tricks to avoid mosquitoes.

In this article we are going to give you some unusual tips to avoid mosquitoes through natural methods. These methods can be surprising, such as the use of essential oils, vitamin supplements and certain plants.

Does mosquito repellent really help to avoid mosquitoes?

Tips to avoid mosquitoes

Ordinary mosquito repellent  has some problems. They contain ingredients and insecticides such as DEET and permethrin as main components, which can have the following side effects:

  • Some studies claim that these drugs can be harmful to health by damaging the central nervous system.
  • There are people who still suffer from mosquito bites even when they use these products.
  • Ordinary mosquito repellents are becoming less and less effective. This is because mosquitoes can develop immunity to them.

In this article, we will talk about natural alternatives that are simple and effective to help you without posing any health risks.

1. Essential oils

This type of oil  is always a good way to avoid all types of health problems in a natural, good and safe way.

For this article, we have selected three oils that help us avoid mosquitoes effectively.

  • Citronella
  • Germanium
  • Blue eucalyptus

How are they used?

  • Mix the oil with vegetable oil (eg almond, coconut, jojoba) or with a moisturizing cream, to later apply it on the skin.
  • Put the mixture in an odor diffuser to keep the mosquitoes away from  a specific place.
  • Put a few drops of the oil on clothes.
  • Combine the oil with water and have it in a spray you can use on yourself. Shake the mixture well before using so that the oil and water are mixed together. When the aroma disappears, spray yourself again.

Always use clean and certified oil. Only use oils that are made for therapeutic purposes.

2. Marigold


To keep mosquitoes away from your house, garden or office, plant marigolds, also known as marigolds, in the area.

In addition to many other health benefits, this beautiful orange flower is mosquito repellent.

Plant these flowers by windows or walls to keep mosquitoes away.

It is interesting that marigold is the basis for a lot of things (creams, tinctures and gels) that help relieve irritation from mosquito bites.

3. Wear light clothing

It is obvious that the more clothes we wear, the more we will avoid mosquitoes, even though we know that mosquitoes can penetrate clothing.

But one thing that is less known is that the color of the clothes has an effect.

Dark clothes attract mosquitoes because they capture carbon dioxide from the body. Light clothing is better at keeping both mosquitoes and bees away.

4. If you have already been stung… draw a cross!

The mosquitoes have stung us and we can see the swelling on the skin. We have a cure for you that comes from ancient times, without a scientific explanation, but which has a surprisingly good effect.

With your fingernail, draw an “X” on the stick, with enough force to leave a mark on the skin.

We do not need to scrape it up, but just make two lines and presto, as with magic, the mosquito bite will disappear. In a couple of hours the plug will be gone and there will be no claw mark.

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