Homemade Syrup As For Digestive Problems

This syrup will help improve our digestive health thanks to the medicinal properties of the ingredients. We should also take care of our eating habits to make it easier to recover from digestive problems.

Most homemade syrups that we know of are made with ingredients that help us fight colds, sore throats, coughs and allergies. But in this article, we will teach you how to make a homemade recipe that will help treat digestive problems.

Below you can learn how to make this simple remedy to stop air, bloating, heartburn, indigestion and other digestive problems.

What ingredients do we need?

We need the following ingredients and quantities to make this homemade syrup:

  • 2 organic lemons
  • 3 Ceylon cinnamon sticks
  • 5 teaspoons fennel seeds
  • 2.5 tsp lemon balm leaves
  • 2.5 tablespoons mint leaves
  • 1 tablespoon of ground turmeric
  • 1 tablespoon ground ginger
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1 liter of water

Ingredients properties

We will now tell you about the properties of the ingredients used in this treating syrup.


Lemons are citrus fruits that improve digestion. Lemons make the fat absorption process easier and they can also neutralize excess acid in the stomach. Because of this, lemons are ideal for fighting heartburn and a heavy stomach, as well as other digestive problems.

Ceylon Cinnamon

Ceylon cinnamon is a spice that has many good properties. For example, it helps us to improve stomach acid secretion, regulates blood sugar levels, fights flatulence and prevents stomach ulcers from forming, which are caused by acid buildup.


Although it is not a laxative, fennel prevents constipation. It also promotes the elimination of gases so that we can avoid irritating and painful flatulence. Fennel’s anti-inflammatory properties also make it a good remedy for colitis and gastritis. It also tastes delicious.

Lemon balm

Lemon balm is a plant that effectively treats psychosomatic problems with digestion. This type of digestive problem is caused by emotional problems and nervousness. Furthermore, this plant gets rid of flatulence, indigestion and bad breath.


Thanks to its carminative properties, mint is very effective in relieving bloating and flatulence. Furthermore, it helps us relax our abdominal muscles. It is also ideal to use mint to treat acid reflux.


This spice helps digestion and improves the function of the liver and gallbladder. In addition, turmeric is an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-carcinogenic spice. This is why we need to include it in our diet.


Ginger is a medicinal product that promotes the secretion of intestinal juices and facilitates digestion. It can also be used to fight nausea.

How to make this syrup

To prepare this syrup, follow the steps below:

  • Put cinnamon sticks and fennel seeds in a saucepan with a liter of water and cook for 10 minutes.
  • After this, turn off the heat completely and add lemon balm, mint, turmeric and ginger.
  • Let the mixture stand for 5 minutes and then strain it.
  • Mix the two lemons with the filtered infusion. Bring the whole lemon, even the peel, using a peeler. After this, strain the mixture again.
  • Then boil the infusion again and add honey. You should put this mixture on low heat and simmer for half an hour.
  • Allow the syrup to cool and pour it into a glass jar. Then put it in the fridge. It should be consumed within two weeks.

How do we drink this syrup against digestive problems?

To treat digestive problems, we should take the syrup in the following ways:

  • 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • 1 tablespoon, mixed with warm water or on its own, half an hour before eating lunch.
  • 1 tablespoon after lunch.
  • 1 tablespoon, mixed with warm water or on its own, half an hour before dinner.
  • 1 tablespoon after dinner.

People who do not suffer from digestive problems, but who want to help digest food when they have eaten too much, can also take this syrup.

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