Four Ways To Make A Porridge Wrap

You can make a cover with medicinal plants, oils and other ingredients with anti-inflammatory and sedative effects. Read on to find out how to make them at home.
Four ways to make a porridge wrap

You can use medicinal plants, essential oils, salts and other elements with therapeutic potential to make a porridge wrap. This remedy is a topical preparation that can be used as an excipient for some ailments.

In fact, according to a study published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing , a warm porridge with spices like ginger seems to alleviate the pain and stiffness caused by osteoarthritis. There is no solid evidence of these, although it is generally a safe remedy. So how do you make porridge wraps at home? Today’s article will tell you about four methods.

Ingredients for making a porridge wrap

You can make a wrap with crushed or boiled herbs and then spread them between two gauze pads on a part of the body where there is pain or superficial wounds. You can also deepen it with other supplements with anti-inflammatory and relaxing effects.

Several scientific articles, such as one published in the Cochrane database, collect some plants that, when used topically, appear to help with swelling and pain in joint diseases. These plants include:

  • Turmeric
  • Arnica
  • Ginger
  • Dandelion
  • Cat claw
  • Eucalyptus
  • Garlic and onions
  • Aloe vera

There are other ingredients you can use in a wrapper such as Epsom salts, baking soda, activated charcoal and coconut oil.

Ways to do it

Porridge wraps can disinfect superficial wounds and relieve muscle tension and joint pain. In fact, some use them to drain abscesses and cysts. Keep reading to learn about some recipes.

A wound on a person's skin.
Superficial wounds are one of the uses for porridge wraps.

1. Herbal wrap

The actual application of a porridge wrap with medicinal plants is usually safe in most cases. However , we recommend doing a small test before using the medicine in its entirety. This is to rule out possible allergic reactions to any of the components.

In general, this type of wrap is suitable for inflammation, strokes, small cuts and joint pain. Also remember that these are only good as excipients.


  • 1 teaspoon. of turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon. freshly chopped or grated ginger
  • ¼ of a small sliced ​​raw onion
  • A chopped garlic clove
  • 2 tsp. coconut oil
  • Cotton bandage

Instructions for use

  • First add the coconut oil in a pan, then the rest of the ingredients
  • Heat it until it is almost dry but not burnt
  • Then transfer the mixture to a bowl and let it stand until it has cooled enough to be on the skin
  • Distribute gauze or cotton bandage and add the mixture in the middle
  • Fold the bandage twice to make a bundle and then lay it over the affected area for 15 to 20 minutes
  • Use it twice a day, every day, if the swelling persists

2. Make one with bread

Bread is another interesting ingredient for making wrappers. In this case, anecdotal data suggest that it is useful for softening abscesses, cysts or small chips. Several applications make it easier to empty these.


  • A slice of bread
  • 3 tbsp. of milk

Instructions for use

  • First, heat the milk in a small saucepan over low heat
  • Then let it cool until it is warm and comfortable to touch
  • Dip the slice of bread in the milk to soften them
  • Then mash it into a paste
  • Apply the paste on the skin and let it do its thing for 15 minutes
  • Repeat two or three times a day for best results

3. Baking powder porridge wrapper

Baking soda is an abrasive ingredient that can irritate sensitive skin. Therefore, use it with caution as an additive, and only in specific cases. You can use it on superficial sunburn and minor irritations.


  • 2 tablespoons. with baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons. with water

Instructions for use

  • Moisten baking soda with water and make a thick paste
  • Then spread the product on the affected area and leave it for 10 minutes
  • Finally, rinse with warm water and repeat twice a day if necessary
A container tipped over.
Sodium bicarbonate has abrasive properties, so it should be used with caution, especially on sensitive skin.

4. Activated charcoal cover

Activated charcoal has anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve insect bites. In fact , it also helps soothe skin irritations when applied topically.


  • 1 teaspoon. with activated carbon powder
  • Water (enough to moisten activated carbon)

Instructions for use

  • First moisten the activated charcoal with a little water and make a paste
  • Then spread the cover on the affected area
  • Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes and remove the rest with a damp cloth at the end
  • Repeat twice a day until it heals

When should I do it?

We have already discussed several situations where a porridge wrap is useful, such as superficial infections, wounds, burns and muscle and joint pain. In the same way you can use it on abscesses and hard skin.

The thing to keep in mind is that porridge wraps do not replace medical treatments, and you should only use them as a supplement to these treatments or when there are none.

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