Four Ways To Disinfect Kitchen Cloths

In addition to disinfecting kitchen towels, it is very important to use different ones for each task to avoid cross-contamination, as well as rinsing them before drying.
Four ways to disinfect kitchen towels

The things you use most in the kitchen are not your pots or the microwave, but actually the kitchen towels. You can find many different types made of cotton, synthetic fiber, microfiber or absorbent paper. No matter what material they are made of, the fact of the matter is that they all get dirty, so it is important to know how to disinfect kitchen towels.

Washing these cloths effectively can actually be difficult because many times they give off a very bad odor. If you are also worried about your family’s health due to the accumulation of bacteria and microbes, you can relax. In this article you will learn how to disinfect kitchen towels with a few tricks.

The best ideas for disinfecting kitchen towels

Woman smells bad in the kitchen

Mold, moisture, bacteria and microbes will disappear if you follow these tips. The effects are almost immediate. You will be amazed!

1. Ammonia

Ammonia can help you with several tasks.

  1. Place all the kitchen cloths in a container with a few drops of ammonia.
  2. Let them soak for a few hours so that all the dirt comes off.
  3. Then keep the kitchen towels in the washing machine. Be careful not to mix such cloths with other clothing. Do not use fabric softener.

2. Dishwasher to disinfect kitchen towels

Most people wash their kitchen towels in the washing machine. However, a good way to wash them is to use the high temperatures of the dishwasher.

They are completely cleaned and disinfected.

  1. All you need to consider is how to place them inside it.
  2. Try to make sure that they do not get pinched or reach the knives.

Boiling water

Boiling water helps to release dirt and grease into the cloths. This is one of the most commonly used techniques.

  1. To do this, boil water and pour it into a tub that can withstand high temperatures.
  2. Keep the kitchen towels in the container. Add some detergent and bleach and leave them for a few hours until the water cools.
  3. Rinse with water and hang them outside or put them in the dryer.

4. Vinegar to disinfect kitchen towels

Tips for disinfecting kitchen towels

Vinegar helps to eliminate unpleasant odors and is also a natural disinfectant.

  1. In the same way as in the previous case, arrange a tub of warm water. Put the kitchen towels in it, add a good amount of vinegar and leave them for a few hours.
  2. Then rinse them with water and let them air dry.

Practical tips for your kitchen cloths

In addition to knowing some good cleaning techniques, you should use the kitchen towels properly. You should keep these tips in mind every time you are in the kitchen:

  • Do not use the same kitchen towel for everything. You should have different cloths and towels to wipe over cutting sensors, clean surfaces, and to dry your hands on.
  • Do not wipe your hands immediately after handling raw foods: wash them beforehand.
  • Use the cloths to clean the surfaces when needed, but rinse them with water afterwards.  If you do not, more bacteria will accumulate.
  • Dry the kitchen towels properly and do not leave them as a ball. It is better to stretch them out or hang them up.
  • You must make sure to  wash the kitchen cloths with very hot water.
  • Take advantage of the sunlight. The sun can help you remove nasty stains. Hang them where they are in direct sunlight. Fruit or vegetable stains will disappear like magic.

The difference between cleaning and disinfecting

“Cleaning” and “disinfection” are different things. Cleaning requires the use of soap and water to remove dirt and some microbes. However, it does not eliminate all of them from a surface or an object.

You need stronger solutions to disinfect and eliminate almost all microbes and bacteria.

If you clean every day, will have a clean and safe kitchen where you can cook. However, it is advisable to disinfect surfaces, kitchen cloths and cutting boards with more aggressive products to ensure that you do not get sick due to bacteria.

As you have seen, there are many ways to disinfect kitchen towels. Do not hesitate to try it today!

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