Five Safe Medicines To Take During Pregnancy

Most pregnant women are in doubt and concern about the use of medication during pregnancy. It is always safer not to self-medicate so that the risk of affecting the baby is less.
Five safe medications to take during pregnancy

Knowing what safe medications you can take during pregnancy is a big deal, as some of them can harm your baby’s health.

Pregnancy is one of the most meaningful experiences in a woman’s life. From the moment of conception, your body begins a natural process of change. Both physical and psychological symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, vomiting, pain and a lot of discomfort are quite common for this condition. The expectant mother will also begin to experience hormonal changes. All this is relatively normal, especially during the first three months of pregnancy.

However, some complications can occur such as vaginal infections and kidney infections, high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, premature birth and other frequent disorders. For many of these you need medication, and ideally you will only take them under medical supervision.

Safe medications you can take during pregnancy

A laid-back woman in pain.
There are safe medications you can take during pregnancy, but you should always take them under the supervision of your doctor.

There are many safe medications you can take during pregnancy. In addition to the common discomfort associated with pregnancy, a mother may be bothered by other conditions due to contamination from external biological substances and need medication to relieve them.

Yes, there are many medicines that can be obtained without a prescription at a pharmacy that can treat colds, coughs, diarrhea, constipation, nausea… But it is best that you consult your doctor before taking them, as some may not be suitable for pregnant women.

Avoid medications that provide relief for multiple symptoms. For example, if you are taking a painkiller for a headache, you should avoid those that also contain antihistamines and expectorants.

Now we are going to tell you about some of the most common, safe medications you can take during pregnancy:

1. Paracetamol or Acetaminophen

These are painkillers that are recommended to reduce the inflammation that leads to pain. Both provide relief from minor abnormalities, and they even reduce some symptoms of the common cold.

2. Clotrimazole or Miconazole

These are fungicides and are common medications during pregnancy, as they help you get rid of fungal infections in the vagina. It is also effective if symptoms such as burning and discharge from the vagina are present.

3. Magnesium antacids

The most well-known brands of antacids, which contain magnesium, are effective and safe in soothing the irritating symptoms of heartburn. This condition is very common during pregnancy, especially in the last weeks of pregnancy before birth.

Loratadine or Chlorpheniramine

Both of these antihistamines are the most recommended for allergies. Both medications relieve nasal congestion when the expectant mother is exposed to allergens.

5. Milax or Senna (Senokot)

These medications are laxatives and are effective in treating constipation – another common symptom among pregnant women. Especially in the last months of pregnancy.

Safe medications and vitamins to take during pregnancy

Safe medication: A woman sitting on a bed with three bowls of fruit in front of her.
All pregnant women will benefit from including vitamin B12 and folic acid in their diet. As usual, ask your doctor about it.

Vitamins and supplements are essential for the proper development of a fetus. The obstetrician or midwife will indicate which are most favorable for the pregnancy.

They are still the most commonly used during pregnancy vitamin C, for proper formation of the baby’s blood vessels ; folic acid, for the production of red blood cells; vitamin D, to produce healthy teeth and bone tissue, and iron, to nourish the development of the baby and placenta.

Although vitamins are available without a prescription at the pharmacy, do not take too much of them, as more does not mean better. Furthermore, you eliminate them mainly through the urine, and you will not only waste vitamins but also money. You can get plenty of vitamins through various food sources, and these provide higher quality.

Safe medicines and natural preparations during pregnancy

A display of herbs and spices.
Natural remedies are another great way to treat discomfort and even pain. Always consult your doctor.

Natural remedies are another great way to treat discomfort and even pain. Always consult your doctor about it.

Apart from all the medicines mentioned above, there are also many options in the form of natural home remedies. Sometimes the symptoms of discomfort present during pregnancy can be alleviated just by changing daily habits. Even just by doing activities that are positive for your health.

If you start a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy, you do not have to resort to excessive use of medication. Many of the guides’ jewels have been present since ancient times and work in most cases. We challenge you to try them.

Of course, it is also important that you follow a healthy diet and stay as active as you can. Staying healthy during pregnancy is important because it reduces the symptoms that lead you to the use of medication. Having a regular plan for sleeping, relaxing and resting is crucial to your health.

Do not self-medicate yourself

Most women know that they should only take safe medications during pregnancy. However, if you are pregnant and have an injury or some kind of pregnancy condition or any of the major complications, your doctor will prescribe you medication to keep it under control. The most important thing here is to maintain good health in both you and the baby.

Self-medication is rarely a good idea. Especially in the first trimester because it is the most sensitive stage of development for a fetus. Always consult a professional before taking medications, supplements and even natural home remedies, even those that are considered common and safe during pregnancy.

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