Fire Breathing As A Yoga Technique: 6 Benefits

Fire breathing is a breathing technique in yoga that is very useful for the whole body, but it should be used with caution. If this is new to you, try breathing with the help of a yoga instructor.
Fire breathing as a yoga technique: 6 benefits

Fire breathing as a yoga technique is also called pranayama and is a technique that goes on the breath. It consists of several breathing techniques that complement asanas, or postures, for each yoga method. If this is new to you, try breathing as a yoga technique with an instructor.

One of the most important factors with yoga is the breath. It allows you to relax, inhale and breathe deeply in the various asanas. This calms the mind, dissolves tension and transports oxygen to the brain.

What is fire breathing?

The Sanskrit name is “kapalabhati”. “Kapala” can be translated to skull and “bhati” with “cleansing”. This refers to a purification of the mind.

Exercise helps control anxiety, nerves, worries, sadness, pain, fear and so on. The most common position for this is the lotus.

How do you do that?

  • For starters, shortness of breath consists of breathing calmly and deeply through your nose until your lungs are filled. Then exhale all the air hard again.
  • In addition, you should contract your stomach towards your back, as it stimulates the diaphragm.
  • Increase the rhythm as you become more experienced.

What are the benefits of fire breathing as a yoga technique?

Operating with a breather has several benefits. Mainly it gives a better understanding of emotions and a better control of the breath. In addition, it can also have the following benefits:

1. Fire breathing helps control stress

Breathing in a controlled way improves concentration and cleanses the mind of negative energy and stress.

When we are stressed, the diaphragm will be pressed inwards against the plexus solaris. This is where we hide our feelings.

With a breather, emotions will naturally flow out of the body. This balances the body and increases your mental and physical health.

Yoga can help you relax

2. It cleanses the blood and releases toxins from the lungs

Breathing of fire increases circulation and helps to cleanse the blood due to all the oxygen they receive.

It also helps to cleanse the respiratory system. By expelling all the air, there are no residues left in the system. Fresh and clean air enters the lungs when you breathe again.

3. It improves lung capacity

People do not tend to use the entire lung capacity they have since they usually breathe in a limited and short way. We usually take short breaths that do not fill the lungs.

By practicing fire breathing regularly, the lungs will become accustomed to taking in more and more air.

4. It strengthens the third chakra

of 7 chakras

This chakra, also called Manipura, is the one that controls our emotions. It is the largest and strongest of all chakras and it is associated with our actions and emotions.

Have you ever felt an emptiness in your stomach when you are scared or sad? This is probably due to the third chakra that forms an imbalance in your body.

5. It helps with memory and concentration

Deep breathing not only gives the blood more oxygen, but also the brain. This increases our cognitive capacity and concentration because it helps the brain to function properly.

6. It stimulates the digestive system

The digestive system is activated due to the constant movement of the diaphragm when you do these breathing exercises.

When you do this you will experience increased digestion and prevent stomach problems.


  • If you are a beginner when it comes to breathing as a yoga technique, always do it under the supervision of an instructor until you master it. It is a slightly sensitive technique that requires some time and patience.
  • Refrain from breathing so hard and fast that you become dizzy. Your lung system is not used to breathing in and out such large amounts of air quickly. Let them get used to it gradually and do not take in too much.
  • If you feel dizzy, stop exercising. Do not continue if you start to feel unwell. Due to the repeated uptake of air into the lungs, they can become tired and this can make you faint.
  • Listen to the body. It is always important to train properly.
Breathing as a yoga technique is most often performed in the lotus position


This exercise is not for women who are pregnant or menstruating. It is also not recommended for those with epilepsy, hypertension, emphysema or cardiovascular problems.

However, it is   a technique that is beneficial to health since it helps mentally and improves lung capacity.

However, it is an exercise that you should perform with caution as a beginner. Also be aware if you have done it before but now want to get a little more out of the exercise. The key to yoga is to be patient. You will not see progress from one day to the next, but the progress will come gradually.

Continue to practice fire breathing as a yoga technique, responsibly and with patience.

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