Find Out How To Reduce Uric Acid Naturally

Diets high in protein are often used for weight loss, but they can cause you to ingest too much uric acid. Instead, we should focus on a healthy and balanced diet and that we get enough exercise.
Find out how to reduce uric acid naturally

When the levels of uric acid in the body rise too high, they can create a number of ailments, such as gout, kidney stones and poor kidney function. In this article, you can learn a little more about this problem and about some all-natural treatments to reduce uric acid  in your body!

Uric acid: What you need to know

Uric acid is produced by the breakdown of a type of chemical known as purines, which are found in foods such as liver, herring, anchovies and sardines. Some vegetables and milk also contain purines. However, studies have shown that they do not affect the health of the body, nor do they increase the risk of gout.

tips to reduce uric acid

Uric acid is “recycled” when the cells die and helps protect blood vessels. The kidneys are responsible for filtering it out of the blood and flushing it out into the urine; it is also released in small amounts in the stool. When the body produces too much, however, it will accumulate in joints, tendons, and internal organs – such as the kidneys.

Elevated levels of uric acid play a key role in the development of a condition called gout, but not everyone develops it this way (it can also be the result of high blood pressure, heart disease or kidney disease).

There are many reasons why one can get too high levels of uric acid, from heredity to obesity, high alcohol consumption or a diet that has a high content of “bad” purines. Diuretics, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hyperthyroidism, psoriasis and immuno-inflammatory drugs can also increase our levels of uric acid.

It is worth mentioning that high levels of uric acid initially show no symptoms.

Foods and home remedies to reduce uric acid

  • Eat an apple (red or green) after lunch and dinner, and leave the peel on (wash it well beforehand). Make this a habit to keep your body healthy. The peel of the apples is rich in vitamin C. Apples also contain “healthy” acids, such as malic acid, which detoxifies the body and eliminates uric acid naturally.
  • Drink two tablespoons of cherry juice daily. Cherry juice contains flavonoids, which give the cherries their red color and help flush out uric acid from the body.
  • Beware of foods high in purines, such as red meat (including pork and lamb), beans and alcoholic beverages. Reduce your intake to just once a week, and replace them with foods that are low in fat and purines, such as cooked rice, bread, cottage cheese or natural yogurt.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily, which will give you lots of important minerals and flush out toxins and bacteria so that your body will feel good. The kidneys need lots of water for them to function effectively. Too much salt and caffeine have the opposite effect, and should therefore be avoided.

Several things to keep in mind to reduce uric acid

  • Perform a full body detox once every two months or so. It will help cleanse the crystals that are formed due to uric acid from the body. Mix half a tablespoon of baking soda in 1/4 liter of water and drink this 8 times during the day. This is not recommended with such detoxification for those suffering from hypertension or kidney disease.
  • Eat more artichokes! These vegetables have good diuretic properties to eliminate and reduce uric acid naturally . There are hundreds of different recipes with them, but it is best to boil and eat them, and to drink the water in which they are cooked.
  • Among the many different foods to reduce uric acid, you can be sure to find onions; they cleanse the body and prevent many health problems. Boil two onions that have been peeled and cut into large pieces. Add the juice from a lemon and drink a few cups a day.
  • Strawberries are a great remedy for gout and for lowering the levels of uric acid. You can make a tea from the leaves and roots, or just eat more strawberries for dessert every day.

Some important things in the end

  • Make sure you include foods rich in potassium in your diet, because potassium will prevent crystals from forming due to high levels of uric acid, and also improve kidney function. Include bananas, green leafy vegetables (spinach, beetroot ), raisins and prunes, potatoes, watermelon, strawberries and apricots in your diet. You should also eat more complex carbohydrates, such as those found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
  • Limit or eliminate foods that are sweetened with fructose or corn syrup; they can raise the levels of uric acid. Fructose is found in soft drinks and other beverages (also in some types of juice). Choose water or natural juice without additives.
  • Use apple cider vinegar as a spice and as a dressing for salads. Many studies have found that it reduces the levels of uric acid, thanks to its content of acetic acid and potassium. In addition to using it with food, you can mix two tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of cold water and drink it twice a day.
  • Avoid diets high in protein, especially those used for weight loss; they can lead to an increase in the levels of uric acid. It is better to lose weight with a healthy diet and exercise.

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