Exercises To Get Rid Of Fat On The Back

Most people want to remove fat from a specific area of ​​the body. To achieve this, one can do special exercises that remove fat from specific areas – especially the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, chest or back. 
Exercises to get rid of fat on the back

It is very common to get excess fat on your back. In today’s article we will share some good exercises that can help you get rid of whales on your back.

When we lift weights, our muscles work, our metabolism increases and the fat is burned. But we do not have to lift a ton to see results. We can start with just a few pounds.

You probably know exercises that only focus on the abdomen or legs, and forget that the back is a very important part that should be strengthened. This can greatly change the look of your physique.

These annoying “whales” on the back usually become a problem when you wear a sports bra, swimsuit or a tight dress. Fortunately, you can get rid of excess fat on your back, but it requires a strong effort and discipline.

If you are interested in learning how to remove fat on your back, you should read on.

Exercises to get rid of fat on the back

Exercise 1


Roll out a yoga mat. Lie face down and arms outstretched straight forward or backward. Without lifting your feet, gently stretch your back up, then return to the starting position. Perform two sets of this exercise, ten repetitions per set.

Exercise 2

Same position as in exercise 1. This time, place your hands on your neck. Lift your upper body off the mat and return to the starting position. Two sets of 15 repetitions each.


Exercise 3

Same position as before, but this time you stretch to one side and then the other side (as if you want to see what is on the right, then the left side). Try to keep the rest of your body still.

Exercise 4

Here you will do a yoga exercise known as “the cat”. Stand on all fours, relax your back, then bend it upwards as far as you can (as a cat would do). Then bend your back the other way with your stomach down towards the floor. Repeat this exercise five times.

Recommended article: 7 yoga poses for happiness and better emotional health


Swimming is an excellent way to train your back muscles. When you swim, you train your whole body and burn a lot of fat. It is an activity that can strengthen the back and remove excess fat on the back.


Any good fat burning routine should include weight training. You can use dumbbells to strengthen and build muscle mass, thus increasing your metabolism. It will help you burn more fat – even while you are resting.

All you need to do is start exercising a little strength every day. It is not necessary to lift heavy weights, just a few kilos will do the trick.

Explore: Exercise routines: heavier weights or more repetitions?



Cardiovascular exercise increases the heart rate and helps the body burn calories. Interval training will help you eliminate back fat. You can freely choose which activities you like, such as running, jumping jacks, elliptical training, cycling or jumping rope.


Although we know that abdominal exercises such as crunches are targeted at the abdomen, they can also help you get rid of fat in the lower back. Exercise the entire abdomen, focusing on the sides (hips). You can also add side stretches and static stretching.

Recommendations for best results

  • We know that getting rid of unwanted fat is a complicated goal. It can only be achieved with great discipline and effort. The back will require more training and effort as it is a difficult area. But if you follow the exercises mentioned above, you will quickly see the results.
  • Remember that in order to lose unwanted fat, it is crucial to have a balanced diet, free of fat, fried foods, sugar and more. Of course, it is important to have a healthy diet that includes fruits, vegetables, green tea, water and lots of fiber.
  • Remember that a good posture strengthens the back. You should always try to have an upright attitude.

We hope you enjoyed this article!

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