Early Aging In Women: 5 Causes

Lack of adequate moisture, an unhealthy diet, stress and worries can all weaken our immune system and can accelerate premature aging.
Early aging in women: 5 causes

So far, neither science nor miracles have managed to prevent time from passing. Aging is a natural process we must all face with integrity, optimism and heroism. However, it is a fact that our habits and lifestyle will determine to a greater or lesser extent the visibility of wrinkles and sagging skin and premature aging in women.

These are conditions related to early aging that we ourselves can postpone and reduce through appropriate strategies, and, not least, be aware of a number of errors that we usually overlook. Want to know what they are? Take notes!

Foods to stay away from to prevent premature aging in women

semi-finished products

We all know very well that our diet is what determines our health and the proper functioning of our body. But still, almost without knowing it, throughout life we ​​adopt certain eating habits, which instead of giving us benefits rather harm us and accelerate our aging process.

Think of all the refined flour found in the bread we eat, and many of these pre-made meals that are a quick alternative to dinner when we get home. Do not forget that these contain a lot of calories that we do not need, and which not only are converted into fat, but lead to high cholesterol and provide a lack of important nutrients.

So, what kind of food should one avoid to prevent premature aging in women?

  • Sweets:  Remember that too many sweets destroy the collagen in the skin.
  • Alcoholic beverages:  Too much alcohol attacks the liver, making it difficult to remove toxins, which in turn causes premature aging in women and men. Always drink in moderation!
  • Salty foods:  We love snacks, potato chips and even those bags of delicious and healthy dried fruit. This is a major danger to your health. Do not forget that salt is very dangerous for your body. It also promotes cellulite.
  • Processed meats such as sausages and hamburgers:  These foods contain sulfite, which accelerates aging.
  • Red meat:  Red meat is rich in free radicals, which attack the collagen in the skin and cause aging.
  • Sugary and carbonated drinks:  These are great enemies of our health and beauty.
  • All foods rich in trans fats:  Trans fats cause inflammation and fluid retention, making us more prone to sunlight damage and causing many heart problems. Avoid these foods!

2. Worry and stress that are not handled properly


This is a fact we must not overlook: Women are more prone to stress than men; we suffer from it to a greater extent and for a longer period of time. However, it seems that men face it in an unfortunate way. And have a higher death rate due to diseases associated with stress.

As you can see, all these negative emotions that we do not adequately address do not just turn into the classic mental illnesses ; Stress can also lead to premature aging. Want to know why?

  • A stressful situation that lasts for months or years will lead to serious changes in our body. Cortisol accelerates heartbeat, causes serious injuries such as atherosclerosis and also affects our brain.
  • In addition to cortisol, stress can also release adrenaline, which leads to cell oxidation, inhibition of nutrient uptake and leads to an accumulation of lipids in the blood.
  • Stress leads to a weakened immune system, and as a consequence, early aging appears in a striking way. So you should learn to deal with your emotions!

3. Low intake of antioxidants

lemon juice

Low intake of antioxidants in our diet is something we usually do not pay enough attention to, but which makes us more vulnerable to the effects of free radicals and its effects on our skin.

Therefore, note these foods that you should include in your diet from today:

  • A glass of lemon juice on an empty stomach
  • Kiwi
  • Strawberry
  • Mango
  • Melon
  • Oranges
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Carrots
  • Spinach
  • Cabbage
  • Tomatoes
  • Papaya
  • Pumpkin
  • One cup of green tea or white tea every day
  • 2 servings of oily fish every week

4. One of the greatest dangers of aging: The sun!


The sun is important for our health and contributes to the absorption of nutrients such as vitamin D; It is also useful for improving mood. But remember to be careful: Avoid the sun in the middle of the day, and always use a good sunscreen (also remember the sun factor in your daily make-up base).

To all women who love to sunbathe: Be aware that this is one of the most important factors when it comes to premature aging in women. Protect yourself!

5. Women and calcium


Calcium is a mineral we need in large quantities during the later stages of our lives. Why? There are women who usually suffer from classic osteoporosis, which sooner or later can have an impact on our lives.

By not adding enough calcium early in life, it can also cause the skeleton to age prematurely. Therefore, it is very important to consume the following foods every day to improve your health:

  • A natural yogurt without sugar.
  • A glass of milk (if you are not lactose intolerant and can digest the milk adequately. If not, try drinking almond milk or other nut milk.)
  • Some tofu in salads.
  • 3 walnuts and 3 almonds every day.

If your mother or other family members suffer from osteoporosis, you should talk to your doctor about how to get your calcium needs covered through supplements. The earlier you start, the better!

Remember to make use of these simple tips to avoid premature aging in women.

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