Create A Unique And Natural Peel

Create a unique and natural peel

The skin cells are constantly renewed. Dead cells lie on the surface of the skin until they are replaced by new cells. With a natural peeling, one can help the skin with this process and at the same time achieve softer and firmer skin. Create a unique and natural peel!

In this article, we will explain a few simple and good recipes for homemade  peels. The recipes are so good that they can also be used as gifts.

About skin

The skin is not just a part of the body that requires careful care. In fact , the skin is an organ that protects the whole body, regulates body temperature, gives us a sense of touch and gives us a direct relationship to the outside world.

What is peeling?

Peeling is to exfoliate the outer layer of skin, the epidermis, with various substances. It actually means that you scrub your skin. Today, there are many chemical products on the market, which in our view can damage the skin. However, there are less aggressive and cheaper products. That’s what we’ll be talking about here.

Why is it good to use a natural peel?

The skin you see is actually an accumulation of dead skin cells that have moved from the inside up to the surface. Every day you lose more than 30,000 dead skin cells. If you give your skin a good natural exfoliation once in a while, you will achieve the following benefits:

  • A better look with new skin cells.
  • You want to activate the formation of collagen.
  • Better blood circulation.
  • Counteract wrinkles.
  • Achieve softer skin.
  • The skin will get rid of waste products more easily, and thus breathes better through the pores.
  • Improves and eliminates scars and marks on the skin.
  • Brilliant skin.

You should think about not exposing your skin to peeling too often. The body’s natural processes must also work. We therefore recommend that you do a natural peel once a week.

What do you need?

If you want to make a natural peel, you first and foremost need natural ingredients that have an exfoliating effect. Choose one of the ingredients we have listed below. You make the choice with regard to which area of ​​the body you should give peeling and which problem you should treat.

  • Sodium bicarbonate: The softest peel. Perfect for face and sensitive areas.
  • Sugar: gives a medium-strong peeling.
  • Salt flakes: Perfect for less sensitive areas, improves circulation, cellulite, stretch marks, etc.

Once you have selected the main ingredient you want to use, add vegetable oil:

  • For dry skin : Olive oil or rose oil.
  • For combination and normal skin : Coconut oil or sesame oil.
  • For oily skin : Aloe vera or coconut oil.
olive oil

For even better effect and for the delicious scent, you can add a few drops of essential oil:

  • Orange : has an invigorating and toning effect.
  • Lemon : cleanses.
  • Geranium : renews the skin.
  • Rosemary : improves circulation.
  • Tere : helps against pimples.
  • Palmarosa : helps against pimples.

To make the peel, you just need to mix together the ingredients you have chosen. Store dry and cool in a glass jar. Can also be in the fridge.

If you want to give a homemade peel as a gift, you can make the peel unique by adding the following ingredients:

  • For a stimulating peel : Add cinnamon, ginger and a few drops of essential ylang-ylang oil.
  • For a more aromatic and refreshing peel : In addition to a few drops of essential orange or mandarin oil, you also mix in a little grated orange peel.
  • For a delicious peel : Add pure coconut powder and a few drops of essential mint oil.
  • For a natural peel against pimples : The ingredients should consist of sodium bicarbonate, aloe vera, a little coconut oil and a few drops of essential tea tree or palm rose oil.



How do I use it?

Wash and moisturize the skin you want to give an exfoliation. Take some of the mixture you have made by hand and massage it gently into the skin. Make circular motions with your hand. Be sure to treat the entire area, but remember to avoid sensitive areas such as the eyes.

If you use an exfoliation on the thighs, buttocks or the like, you can add more force to the massage so that you stimulate blood circulation. Let the ingredients work for a few minutes before rinsing it off with water. Your skin is moisturized by the oils, but if you have dry skin, we recommend that you give your skin a round of moisturizer afterwards.


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