Causes Of Jaw Pain: Have You Ever Had It?

Jaw pain often comes from behaviors that you do yourself without knowing it, such as poor posture, stress or nervousness. Learning to deal with these is important to alleviate this condition
Causes of jaw pain: have you ever had it?

When we look at the causes of jaw pain, they are most often caused by anxiety. But it should also be said that this is a very annoying type of disease that can occur due to other disorders such as bruxism or a problem with the joints.

If you have ever suffered from it, it is likely that it went away with time, especially if the problem was the result of an emotional trigger such as nervousness due to stress.

Since it is a common problem among the population, it is worth diving a little deeper into the symptoms, treatments and causes of jaw pain. We invite you to follow.

Causes of jaw pain you should know about

Jaw pain is tiring

We should point out that jaw pain can occur in different parts of the face. Some people notice it around one ear more than the other, while others suffer from discomfort when eating or talking.

This problem is related to the anatomy of the jaw joint, which houses a complex network of nerves and tissues that can become inflamed or suffer from other disorders.

Let’s look in a little more detail at the causes of jaw pain.

Pain centered around the ears

Sometimes the pain associated with jaw pain is concentrated around one or both ears. In this case, discomfort may radiate to the upper parts of your face, even to the top of your head.

  • This joint pain is especially noticeable when you talk, yawn and eat.
  • Sometimes it can be confused with a simple toothache, but in reality it can be a sign of erosion of the jaw joint itself.
  • There may be a problem with the articular cartilage or ligaments and nerves in the area.
  • These are all factors that a specialist needs to consider. Remember, however, that bone loss in the joints is something that can happen with age.

When you can not open the jaw completely

If you have ever felt like you could not fully open your jaw, stop and think about what life has been like in the last few days.

  • When you do not handle stress and pressure from the environment properly, it can generate an “escape response” in the brain. This can result in muscle tension, accelerated heart rate, and stiffness in the body that concentrates in the areas of the shoulders, neck and face.
  • Almost without knowing it, you can clench your jaw, cut your teeth during the night, and experience symptoms such as tinnitus, headaches, and difficulty opening or closing your jaw.

This problem will go away with time, but it can be very disabling as long as it lasts. The origin is usually stress, which you need to learn to deal with properly.

jaw pain can result in headaches


On more than one occasion, we have talked about jaw pain associated with a behavior that large sections of the population do at night without knowing it: cutting teeth.

  • Bruxism can occur due to poor tooth alignment or tremor at night. This can be caused by poor diet, tension accumulated during the day or inability to enjoy peaceful and restful sleep.
  • Bruxism requires proper professionals who can recommend that you use a brace for sleeping, for example.

Nevertheless, bruxism is also one of the most common causes of jaw pain.

Simple techniques for treating jaw pain

Relaxing exercises

Pay attention to your attitude

One way to reduce the symptoms associated with temporomandibular dysfunction (jaw pain) is by taking care of your posture, especially in the regions around the shoulders, neck and head.

When you have a bad posture, tension in the neck and jaw can occur. In fact, this is something you may not even be aware of when you are at work, watching TV or talking on the phone.

Remember to always pay attention to the back / neck axis : they should be in line, straight and relaxed.

In addition, both the lips and the teeth should rest together. However, the tongue should rest against the palate while breathing through the nose.

Your diet

  • Avoid eating foods that trigger inflammation, such as sugar, fat, large amounts of coffee or energy drinks, or preservatives.
  • Increase your intake of vitamin C and calcium

Deal with your emotions and fight stress

We know that it is easy to recommend ways to deal with stress properly, but when you try to do it, it becomes a maze of walls and difficulties.

  • It is important to remind yourself that you need to be calm. That way,  nerves and blood pressure can take care of your health and lead to a long life.
  • Try to find time during the day to relax. One good alternative that always helps to take care of body and soul is to practice yoga.

Try to implement these simple tips in your daily life.

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