Causes Of Constipation In Babies

Constipation is one of the main causes of discomfort in babies, and also one of the biggest concerns for parents. To help reduce the risk of this condition, read this article to find out the causes of it.
The causes of constipation in babies

If your baby is upset and crying, it may be constipated. In this article, we will tell you what the main causes of constipation in babies are and how you can relieve the discomfort for your baby.

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What is constipation in babies?

A crying baby.

The immaturity of infant intestinal tissue is one of the main causes of constipation.

Constipation is a common problem in children. It is in fact a frequent reason for consultations with pediatricians, since between 0.3 to 8% of children suffer from it.

Although there is no clear definition of constipation in babies, a baby is considered constipated as a general rule when :

  1. Their daily bowel movements are reduced. Some children have a bowel movement four to five times a day, while others do it once a day or even every other day until every third day.
  2. The baby has trouble pooping because their stools are “hard”.
  3. The baby hurts when they poop.
  4. There is a variation in the consistency of the stool. In general, their stools come in small balls.
  5. Your baby has flatulence and colic.

What are the possible causes of constipation in babies? The problem can only be treated when the cause is known. That said, let’s look at the possible causes.

The causes of constipation in babies

Before you get to the causes of constipation in babies, it is important to note that most breastfed babies do not suffer from this condition. In fact, they often poop several times a day, even after each meal. Their stools are usually liquid (or very soft) and have a yellow-orange color.

This is what can cause constipation in other cases:

1. Breastmilk substitute

Some children are more likely to develop constipation in response to the proteins present in the infant formula. According to a study published by the Journal of Pediatrics :

Switching to infant formula can also generate this discomfort. You can find breast milk substitutes that are suitable for mild constipation in the market. Contact your doctor to choose the one that best suits your baby’s needs.

2. Complementary feeding

Another cause of constipation in babies is to start complementary feeding in a baby who has been breastfed. Adding new foods can lead to constipation, although it is true that babies do not usually eat a lot of solid foods during the first few months.

Remember that the first foods you should include in your baby’s diet are vegetables and fruits. Follow your pediatrician’s advice to prevent constipation or complications such as food allergies.

3. Weaning from diapers can lead to constipation in babies

Weaning babies from using diapers is a common cause of constipation.

Some children may suffer from constipation when weaning diapers. Having to use the pot leads to stress and even rejection in some babies. This in turn can lead to self-induced constipation by resisting the urge to go to the bathroom because they do not want to go to the potty.

4. Dehydration can lead to constipation in babies

When parents start supplementary feeding, they start giving the baby water. Some babies will probably not drink water right away, and since milk intake is reduced, dehydration can occur, especially in the summer.

If the baby does not get enough fluids, their stools can become hard, making it harder for them to go to the bathroom. Small wounds can even appear in the anus (you can detect traces of blood when you dry the baby).

5. Medical problems

Here are some of the most serious causes of constipation in babies:

  • Botulism. This disease is caused by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum and is potentially fatal. One of the symptoms is constipation.
  • Congenital hypothyroidism. The baby does not have a thyroid gland, the thyroid gland is not working properly or is not sufficiently developed.
  • Metabolic disorders. Some inherited diseases that involve some form of immobility can be an indirect cause of constipation.
  • Food allergies. An allergy is the body’s excessive reaction to what it considers an abuse. Symptoms can range from hard stools and difficulty going to the toilet to diarrhea.
  • Hirschsprung’s disease. It is a disease of the colon that causes problems passing feces.

Four tips to relieve constipation in babies

Some techniques such as massage can help your baby pass stool.

If your child is very upset and in pain, or if you are very worried about them, do not hesitate to go to a pediatrician. They will give you some recommendations to relieve the pain in your baby.

Here are some tips you can implement as preventative measures or solutions for constipation:


Massaging your baby’s tummy can help improve bowel movement. Massage the baby’s abdomen gently but firmly with the palms of your hands and apply light pressure.

Encourage your child to exercise

If your baby knows how to crawl, let them do it. All kinds of movements will help improve bowel movement. You can even help them by moving their legs up and down, as if they are cycling.

3. Vegetables, fruits and fiber

If you have started complementary feeding, you can include vegetables, fruits and fiber in your baby’s dishes. In addition, you can reduce foods that can cause dry stools, such as bananas or rice.

4. Make sure they drink enough fluids

Make sure your child drinks enough milk and water. Remember that if you do not do this, the baby’s feces can become harder and prevent them from passing feces.

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