Aortic Dissection: What It Is And What Causes It

Aortic dissection is a tear that requires immediate intervention. Here are the symptoms and some possible strategies for prevention.
Aortic dissection: What it is and what causes it

Aortic dissection is considered a medical emergency that requires immediate surgery. The reason why it is so important to treat it as quickly as possible is the high mortality rate. To learn more about the symptoms, causes and prevention of aortic dissection, read on.

Aortic dissection

You have probably never heard this term before. However, aortic dissections are becoming more and more common.

Therefore, it is vital to know what an aortic dissection is, its causes and symptoms, as well as some methods to prevent it in the first place.

Aortic dissection is a tear that occurs in the aorta. This exposes the middle layer of the artery to the blood flow flowing through it. The result is reduced blood flow or aortic rupture.

Both possible outcomes put the patient’s life at risk. Above all, if the aorta ruptures, the chances of the patient dying are quite high. Therefore, it is important to identify your symptoms and see a doctor as soon as possible.

man with chest pain


It is important to know how to identify the symptoms of aortic dissection, so that you can see a doctor and get a correct diagnosis as soon as possible. Below are some symptoms that you should pay special attention to :

  • Severe, sharp and stabbing pains in the chest or under the sternum.
  • Pale skin and weak pulse.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Dizziness accompanied by nausea and sweating.

These symptoms may make you think you have a heart attack. However, when you experience these symptoms, it is very important that you go to the emergency room immediately. Severe pain in the chest or sternum may indicate that the aorta has ruptured, so you need to act as soon as possible.


The causes that can cause a person to experience aortic dissection can vary quite a bit. Below are some possible reasons:

  • Degradation of the middle layer : In this case, the vessel wall is weakened. This may be due to atherosclerosis, for example. The aortic wall then thins and dilates, increasing the chances of a dissection.
  • Arteritis : This is inflammation that causes the arteries to narrow, preventing the blood from flowing properly.
  • Valvulopathies : In this case, the valves are damaged due to aging, trauma or infections, which causes them to weaken and risk rupture.
aortic dissection of arteries

These are some possible reasons why this condition develops.

That said, is there any way to prevent this from happening?

The answer is yes, and that is why it is important to know how you can help reduce the chances of suffering from this condition.

How to prevent aortic dissection?

There is only one possible treatment for this condition and that is surgery. Therefore, the best way to avoid going through this is to take preventative measures.

If you suffer from valvulopathy, arteritis or a related problem, the best preventative measure you can take is to get frequent medical check-ups. It will also be very important to maintain proper blood pressure.

If you develop a condition that weakens the arteries or puts you at risk for aortic dissection, ask your doctor what you can do to prevent these unpleasant and possibly fatal consequences. Your doctor will give you some customized options that will be of great help.

As you can see, everyone needs to know about this type of arterial rupture which can be fatal. It is also important to be aware of the importance of frequent checks. In addition, if you and your doctor feel that you may be at risk, you need to take much stricter preventive measures.

Did you know about aortic dissection before?

If you have suffered from any of the diseases or conditions mentioned, if you have chest pain and you have trouble breathing, go to the emergency room as soon as possible. Rapid intervention in these situations is essential for survival.

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