A Tasty Recipe For Orange Donuts

This recipe for orange donuts is one of those that is quite easy to make and thus suitable for all levels of experience. You will simply love the wonderful texture, aroma and taste of this delicious summer treat!
A tasty recipe for orange donuts

These orange donuts are typically Easter sweets, but you can enjoy them at any time of the year. Such orange donuts will surely fly off the plate faster than you can say “donut!”

There are many versions around the world, such as the French beignet , the Spanish dona , the Italian ciambelle or the Dutch oil ball . The one we present here today is one of the Mediterranean versions.

Orange donuts are a classic

This donut is a little different from the traditional recipe. It has a flour base, sugar and eggs with the unmistakable lemon slice of orange and is fried.

Remember that this delicious treat contains a lot of calories and contains a good amount of sugar. So do not make them a part of your daily diet.

Homemade sweets actually have higher quality ingredients, but you should not eat too many of them. In addition , you must especially limit your intake if you follow a diet for weight loss or have an imbalance between cholesterol and triglycerides.

This recipe is great for special occasions, so try it if you are going to have guests. Just follow the steps below and enjoy a pretty tasty treat.


This recipe gives donuts to about eight people. Just adjust it to your individual needs.

  • 6 eggs
  • 2 oranges
  • A pinch of salt
  • Oil for frying
  • 1 and a half cups of sugar
  • 2 and a half cups of flour
  • 1 packet of baking yeast
  • half a cup of mild olive oil

You will need the following utensils to make these orange donuts: a bowl, hand mixer, juicer, spoon or spatula, small frying pan, a tray and paper towels.

A bright orange.
In fact, the fruit in these donuts makes them more nutritious than other goodies. However, you should limit your intake due to the high content of sugar and calories.

Step by step instructions

  1. To begin with, add sugar and eggs in a large bowl and mix them. Then add the juice of the two oranges, the peel, the olive oil and a pinch of salt. Mix it until it becomes a homogeneous dough.
  2. Then add the yeast and half of the flour. Stir with a spoon or spatula and add more flour, little by little, until it is difficult to mix it with the spoon. It must be homogeneous and fairly dense.
  3. At this point, grind a surface and place the dough on it. Then add the rest of the flour and process the dough with your hands – it’s much easier. Lubricate your hands with a little oil, as it becomes sticky; the end result should be even and soft.
  4. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and let it rest for 30 minutes.
  5. Now is the time to shape it. Take enough dough to make a ball of about 2 inches and press your index finger and thumb in the middle to make the classic donut hole. Then stretch and gently enlarge it to get a ring of dough. Do the same with the rest of the dough.
  6. Now put a frying pan with enough olive oil to fry. Be careful not to let it smoke and start making donuts in quantities of 3 when it is hot enough. Turn them over so that they turn brown evenly.
  7. Finally, take them out when they are golden brown, and place them on a tray covered with paper. Let them rest for a few minutes, then they are ready to serve.

There are many types of orange buns

This recipe is just a basic one, so you can vary a little with some of the ingredients. Especially those that apply to taste, toppings and even the cooking method.

As we mentioned above, the donuts are ready to eat and delicious as soon as they are cooked. As an extra touch, some people like to sprinkle them with sugar and / or a little cinnamon. In addition, you can always glaze them.

You can also bake them to reduce the fat content. Just follow the same steps above, but cook them for 13 to 15 minutes at about 200 degrees Celsius.

Place the donuts on a baking tray covered with parchment paper or a special donut form before baking them to get the final shape.

Either way, they will be delicious for breakfast, dessert or a snack between meals. They will be good with an iced tea, a homemade fruit soda or a chocolate milkshake.

A selection of donuts.
There are many varieties of donuts, and you can change flavors, cooking methods and toppings.

Things to keep in mind for best results

This recipe is pretty simple, so follow it carefully. In addition, there are some ways to prevent yourself from ruining the end result.

The most important part of the process is to be patient when mixing the ingredients. A smooth, well-mixed dough is the key to this sweet treat, so be sure to knead it properly.

In addition, do not let the shape overwhelm you. It should not be too complicated. Just make a strip with the same amount of dough and put the two ends together to get the shape, if you find it too difficult to make a hole.

The oil should be hot when you start frying, so you need to keep the temperature. This is because the donut will not be fried in the middle if it is too high and can also burn quickly.

Finally, do not freeze the dough if you end up with leftovers. It stays well in a glass jar or box for about two weeks. Store it in a cool, dry place and enjoy it!


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