Diet For Weak And Sore Bones And Joints

Do you have sore bones and joints? Sore knees when going up stairs? Does the discomfort worsen at night or when it is cold outside?
Diet for weak and sore bones and joints

20% of the population suffers from sore bones and joints. This is often due to  arthritis, wear and tear or osteoporosis.

What are you going to do? First, you should prepare yourself mentally. Joint ailments are not easy to improve. You should change some of your habits and pay attention to some of the measures we will mention below. With these and proper medical treatment, you can prepare your quality of life. 

1. What is the best diet to improve weak bones and joints?

To improve the condition of bones and joints, you should follow two very specific tips:

  • Detoxifying diet: Start home treatment by eliminating toxins that damage cells, make tissues sick or weaken the system. The harmful elements weaken cartilage and cause you to lose bone mass. You probably know that carbonated drinks and foods rich in fat lead to the loss of calcium that strengthens bones and teeth. So, the first step is a detox diet.
  • Regulatory diet: What is the purpose of following a regenerative diet? With such a diet, you provide your body with enough nutrients and important enzymes to rebuild cartilage and thus increase cellular regeneration. Tissue free of toxins, rich in minerals and good vitamins will help you have stronger joints.

Detoxifying diet for bones and joints

pear and orange juice

It is best to start a detox diet from the morning off. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals are great to start the day with. Above all, it is healthy and great for eliminating toxins, preventing fluid retention and fighting constipation.

Suggested breakfast

  • Start the day with a glass of warm water with lemon on an empty stomach. Another wonderful remedy for cleansing and optimizing liver functions is olive oil. A tablespoon of olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice. You can switch between these options during the week.
  • 15 grapes and two slices of pineapple
  • Green tea
  • Boldo te
  • A glass of raspberries and kiwi
  • Peach juice
  • Almond milk
  • Pear and orange juice. This combination is incredibly healthy. It will provide you with many nutrients as well as cleanse the body. How do you make it? It’s very easy. You need a medium-sized pear leaf. First, boil the leaf in 200 ml of water until tender. Then take the juice from two oranges and mix with the pear leaf and the water you boiled the leaf in. Mix well. You can mix it with a little honey.
  • A glass of oatmeal with a green apple

Suggestions for lunch

  • Steamed broccoli
  • Carrots with brown rice
  • Baked eggplant
  • Whole grain sandwiches with avocado, mustard and tomato
  • Beetroot juice with apples and a garlic omelette
  • Lettuce, pineapple, raw broccoli, avocado and almonds

Regenerative diet for bones and joints

Carrot soup


The regenerative diet, unlike the detoxifying one, is best suited for lunch or dinner. You want to regenerate cartilage by nourishing it. It is a base of essential foods that strengthen bones and joints. We will explain how to achieve results:

  • Lenses
  • Baked cod with tomato
  • Chickpeas
  • Carrot soup
  • Chicken fillet with lemon
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Turkey stuffed with tomatoes
  • Rye bread with garlic and onion omelette
  • Oven-baked salmon with lemon and sardines with pepper sauce
  • Jelly (great for rebuilding cartilage)

Finally, we would like to remind you that it is important to improve your diet by including these diets and nutritious foods. But it is also important to improve your lifestyle habits. Avoid carbonated beverages and ready-made foods. Try to get to you more fluids during the day, increasing the intake of fruits rich in vitamin C.

Exercise should be moderate. If you have bone and joint problems, intense exercise can lead to more problems than benefits. Follow these simple tips: Going for a walk in the morning and swimming three times a week is definitely the best thing for our legs and joints.

Be careful with medications you normally take to relieve joint pain. They are usually anti-inflammatory and tend to damage the liver. Try to combine medicine with natural remedies. A ginger will give you good results. Follow these simple tips and prepare for your quality of life!

But remember to consult your doctor before starting self-treatment. And never stop taking any medications you have been prescribed by him or her.


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