Chicken Nuggets – What Are They Really Made Of?

The problem with chicken nuggets is not the part of the animal it is made of, which can consist of all types of internal organs, but preservatives and other additives used by the manufacturers.
Chicken Nuggets - What Are They Really Made Of?

We are all familiar with the small deep-fried nuggets that can be found in almost all fast food restaurants or even in our own freezer. We see them everywhere – with the crazy and golden look, they tempt us through all sorts of ads. But what are chicken nuggets really made of? We explain this in this article, so you can decide if you want to continue eating these or not. The chicken nuggets’ delicate and perfect golden appearance gives us mouth watering every time we see them. We are often tricked into thinking that this is a healthier option for our children. Or when the doctor has told us that we must avoid red meat due to the high cholesterol content. So therefore we choose chicken nuggets without having any idea that these can increase the level of triglycerides.

The next time you look at the menu at a fast food restaurant or try to choose what to have for lunch or dinner, stop for a moment, think and then make an informed decision.

How to make chicken nuggets?

These tasty pieces that seem like a healthier alternative than hamburgers. Is actually made of a pink mass reminiscent of yogurt ice cream with strawberries or chewing gum. It is a pink mass made by grinding and mechanically dividing whole chickens. Michael Kindt recently revealed this on his blog, Early Onset of Night .

pink mass

But it does not stop there. This mass that results from this process is packed with bacteria. What is done to get rid of the bacteria? The mass is sterilized in a bath of ammonia, which is a simple and disgusting procedure. If it ended there, we would be overwhelmed by the smell of ammonia every time we cooked chicken nuggets.

To hide the taste and smell of this chemical disinfectant. Added artificial color and flavor (when we think about it, these additives are found in much of the food we eat every single day).

Well-known chef Jamie Oliver is responsible for raising awareness about the process of chicken nuggets. Through his TV show, Food Revolution, on ABC Network. He says that he wanted an increased awareness so that parents could stop giving this unhealthy food to their children. But he did not succeed in this regard.

Later, the channel NatGeo showed a documentary about food that is produced using the technique of so-called “mechanical division”, and which explains the origin of the chicken nuggets.

jamie oliver

The Huffington Post is researching “fake” food

This article from the Huffington Post – world famous as “What exactly is in chicken nuggets?” – received international attention when it announced that chicken nuggets not only contain chicken (which is the only thing these should contain), but also intestines, fats, veins, nerves, cartilage and around 30 different additives. They contain less than 50% chicken; the rest is filling.

The article starts with: “When you order fast food you know that you are not making a healthy choice, but you at least expect to get food. Chicken is chicken and meat is meat, right? ”

The media has conducted a number of studies on “fake” food. In the case of chicken nuggets, only half of the content is chicken meat; the rest consists of over 3 dozen additives and fillers, including aluminum sulfate.


So what exactly are chicken nuggets?

The American Journal of Medicine compared chicken nuggets from two leading fast food chains. (It was not specified which, but we can with reasonable certainty assume which two apply). Chicken nuggets from both chains contained only 50% at most, the rest was a mixture of cartilage, nerves, broken bones, veins and fat.

According to Dr. Richard D. deShazo, of The University of Mississippi’s Medical Center. Have producers chosen to use an artificial mixture of chicken parts instead of pure meat. This is then dipped in batter, deep fried and still referred to as a type of chicken. It is a chicken-based product that contains amounts of calories, salt, sugar and fat. It’s not healthy for anyone. ”

Dr. David Katz, of Yale University, states that this mixture may be harmful, although the results of research are not yet available. It is not enough to inform that chicken nuggets are made of nerves, veins and broken bones for people to stop eating them; People also need to know that chicken nuggets contain artificial additives that change the taste and texture. The problem with chicken nuggets is not which parts of the animal are used, but the preservatives and chemicals used in production.



So will you continue to eat chicken nuggets?

To return to the Huffington Post article : The antifoam dimethyl polysiloxane was found in a piece of deep-fried chicken. This agent is also found in antifreeze for cars. Although this drug is not declared harmful, it is not exactly good for you either.

Other fast food manufacturers add sodium glutamate, which is associated with headaches and excessive sweating. In each case, a high content of dextrose, which is an added sugar, was found. Ten units contain 900 mg of sodium before frying, which is well above the daily recommended dose.

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