Four Tips To Ensure Clean And Even Skin

Peeling, cleansing, toning and enough moisture … These things are very easy to do and will help ensure clean and even skin.
Four tips to ensure clean and even skin

Having clean and even skin does not require great sacrifices, but it does require endurance. For example, if you know you should take off your makeup before going to bed every night, it is useless if you only do it two or three times a week.

To ensure clean and even skin, you need to  do it every day, without any excuses. Many people are too lazy to follow a skin care routine to keep their skin healthy. However, this will only damage the skin.

In this article, we take a look at some tips that will help you if you stick to them.

Four tips to ensure clean and even skin

Give your skin a peel

Woman exfoliates the skin

Exfoliation is the first step to clean and even skin.

You can cleanse your skin with a good product, but you may not exfoliate either because you are not used to it or because you have not found an exfoliator that suits your needs. However , you should exfoliate at least every two weeks since it removes dead skin cells and leaves the skin clean and smooth.

You do not need to buy a specific product to give your skin a light scrub. You have three options to choose from:

  • Exfoliating cleanser: You can find them in any grocery store, pharmacy or skin care / makeup store. They clean and exfoliate the skin with their small grains (make sure they do not contain microplastics). There are exfoliating cleansers for all skin types.
  • Homemade peeling: You can make your own homemade scrub with natural ingredients such as sugar and honey.
  • Face cleansing brush: These brushes cleanse the face and exfoliate it at the same time. You do not need to buy a specific cleansing product because your regular facial cleanser will be sufficient.

2. Do not forget to clean your skin

We recommend that you  wash your skin at least once a day if you are too lazy to do so both in the evening and in the morning.

Use a mild product such as a cleansing gel or face wash. You can use micellar water if you have sensitive skin.

You should  never go to bed without cleansing your skin! This is very important, especially if you use sunscreen, put a lot on your face, or used makeup.

This ensures clean and even skin.

3. Use a toner

Woman applies toner to ensure clean and even skin

Toner improves the appearance of the skin.

Although you may think that it is not important to use a toner, it is actually quite the opposite. Toners refresh your skin and prepare it for the next treatment.

In addition , toners close your pores, preventing them from filling with dirt. Thus, they help prevent blackheads that can be difficult to remove.

You can use a commercial toner, although you can also make your own at home.

4. Always remember to give your skin enough moisture

Moisture is important,  regardless of skin type. This is because it ensures light and clear skin.

You can use the following products to moisturize your skin:

  • Facial oils : Some people apply facial oils before moisturizers. These oils often have special purposes (such as reducing the appearance of blemishes, removing wrinkles, making the skin look brighter, etc.) and do not make the skin oily.
  • Moisturizer: Moisturizers keep the skin moist and satisfy its needs. If you have oily skin, you should never use a moisturizer for dry skin because your skin will look dirty and oily.
  • Sunscreen:  Always use sunscreen, regardless of the season. There are many wonderful face sunscreens on the market that do not make your face look greasy.

Do you already follow these four tips to keep your skin clean and even? Which of them is the most difficult for you?

We encourage you to  persevere with this skincare routine for at least 20 days. In this way, you form a habit that makes your skin more radiant and youthful.

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