5 Ways To Relieve Pain From Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

It is very important to think about how you hold your hand when talking on the phone or using the keypad. If you can, you should use an ergometric keyboard.
5 ways to relieve pain from carpal tunnel syndrome

Many women suffer from pain from carpal tunnel syndrome. Many times surgery is the only solution to this problem, but before it gets this far it is worth trying these simple tips. They can relieve the pain and give you a slightly better everyday life.

Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome


The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome usually occur between the ages of 30 and 60 years. This is a disorder that is more common in women than men, because women’s carpal tunnel is narrower than men’s. This causes pain in the area where the legs from the wrist meet the carpal annular ligament. The compressed tendons become inflamed and sometimes fluid is present. All this makes the area tight and very painful. It usually starts on one side, but over time it involves both hands. This makes it difficult to handle certain objects and perform common tasks.


  • It often starts with pain at night. You experience discomfort such as tingling or numbness in the hand. You may also experience cramps that keep you awake.
  • The cramps begin to move all the way up to the elbow. The pain can also reach the thumb.
  • You start to have trouble grabbing smaller objects. You may also experience loss of sensation in your fingers. Grabbing objects with your thumb and forefinger is especially painful.

We would like to mention that these symptoms are also common among pregnant women, as they tend to experience fluid retention. It is worth keeping this in mind.

Treatment of pain from carpal tunnel syndrome

1. Anti-inflammatory cover of ginger


Some plants have an anti-inflammatory effect and one of the best is ginger. To make this wrap, you need a tablespoon of grated ginger, some eucalyptus and some mint. You can use essential oil from the store or make your own. Mix the ingredients with a cup of warm water. Then cool it down in the fridge (cold is best to reduce pain). Soak a compress with the mixture and apply it on the painful area for half an hour. You will find that your pain from carpal tunnel syndrome is relieved right away.

2. Anti-inflammatory cover of cypress and rosemary


Here we make tea by using two sprigs of rosemary in a cup of warm water. While it is boiling, massage the area with a little cypress oil. You probably already know that cypress has very good anti-inflammatory properties. After the massage, apply a wrap of rosemary tea.

3. Cover of fenugreek for pain from carpal tunnel syndrome

5-grain flour

Have you ever heard of how amazing fenugreek can be? It is a fabulous ingredient in wraps that will reduce pain. Fenugreek contains a lot of niacin and vitamin B3, which fights infections and relieves pain. Vitamins and flavonoids are ideal for treating gout, do not forget about it. All you have to do is mix the flour with water. You then put this mixture where it hurts. You will be amazed at how well it soothes.

4. Dietary recommendations


Pain from carpal tunnel syndrome can also be treated from the inside by choosing the right food, with nutrients that have an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthen the nerves and skeleton. So what do you need to do? It’s pretty simple. Start each morning with a tablespoon of flaxseed or flaxseed oil, which fights inflammation with its high content of vitamin B6.

Rice, green leafy vegetables, chicken breast and bananas are also excellent along with grapefruit, pineapple and orange juice. They give you antioxidants, essential minerals and B vitamins. Remember to eat this every day. Another perfect drink for lunch is made from two leaves of kale along with a green apple. Drink this three times a week and experience the relief it provides.

5. Ergometric recommendations


You must remember to take this into account. The computer can irritate the syndrome and make it worse. Try to avoid sitting for long periods of time and pressing the keypad or talking on the phone. Try using an ergometric keyboard if you can. This means that you get less pressure on your hands.

There are also some gentle hand exercises you can do that will ease the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Make some soft circles with your wrist and use your left thumb to extend right. This allows you to maintain the flexibility of the tendons and put less pressure on the nerves. The exercises should be performed softly and carefully. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that cannot be reversed and surgery is often necessary at some point. Until then, it’s worth following these tips for some relief.

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