Natural Cleansing Of The Body In 3 Days!

Just as we shower, wash our clothes and brush our teeth every day, our body also needs a regular, internal cleansing. An easy way to start this is to drink a glass of cold water every morning and every night before going to bed.
Natural cleansing of the body in 3 days!

Through the food we eat, we supply the body with many different toxins daily. If we then add stress, environmental pollution and the many problems we have around us, it becomes clear that our bodies are filled with negative substances. These must, from time to time, be removed. In this article you can read about how you can  in three days can perform a natural cleansing of the body.

Why should perform a natural cleansing of my body?

Just as we shower, wash clothes and brush our teeth every day, our bodies also need to be cleansed from the inside. You should clean it to get rid of toxins and chemicals, which come from refined flour, sugar, deep-fried foods and animal products. These are foods you may get in you every single day.

Most of us live a sedentary life with a lot of stress, pollution, tension and worries. All this affects the body and contributes to the importance of cleansing it.

Be sure to give your body care

This process can take many years. Our organs, and the body in general, become weaker. Therefore, we get sick, are tired, have a stomach ache, catch a cold once a month, or see in the mirror that we look tired and weary. If you understand that these are signals the body sends to you, you should definitely start listening to what your body has to say.

Although the very best thing you can do is follow a diet where you only eat raw vegetables, ie become vegan, this is not a challenge for everyone. You do not have to cut out all the food you love. Just try to eat a little healthier and let fast food be the exception to the rule and not the rule. This way, your body will begin to get rid of the toxins that have accumulated and you will have a healthier life.

Here’s how to put one together for use with your body

Eat organic food

You probably have a local market nearby that sells organic fruits, vegetables and other foods. Although these products are slightly more expensive than regular products in the supermarket, they are of much higher quality. This is because they do not contain residues of fertilizer and growth hormones. If you have a little extra space in your garden, you can grow your own organic food.

Foods rich in iron

Drink plenty of water

Water is needed for the whole body, including our organs. When you then flush the water, the toxins that have accumulated in the body disappear. You should drink at least two liters of water a day (eight glasses). If it is hot outside, you are exercising or have a particularly hectic day, you should increase your water intake.

We recommend that you drink a glass of cold water when you get up in the morning and a new one before going to bed. You can also increase your fluid intake by eating fruits and vegetables that are high in water. Examples of this are apples, watermelon, tomatoes and cucumber. You can also drink sugar-free fruit juices or teas, especially green tea.

Eat more fiber

Fiber contributes in the same way as water; it helps us get rid of toxins. This time through feces, instead of urine. Fiber improves digestion, prevents constipation and helps the body get rid of the waste that has accumulated in the intestines. Oats, brown rice, whole grain pasta, seeds, nuts and fruits will give you lots of fiber.

Do not drink coffee or alcohol

These two drinks are extremely popular, but they are not good for your body. They force both the liver and kidneys to work harder, injuring them and causing diseases such as obesity and diabetes. Although a glass of wine for dinner is ok, we recommend you stick to that amount. When it comes to coffee, try drinking organic coffee, instead of the industrial one.

Eat cleansing foods

Lemons (mix the juice with water), beets (lots of fiber), garlic (removes pathogens that cause disease) and dandelion (use it to make tea or have some leaves in salad) are some of the foods that are great for cleansing your body.

Dandelion for cleansing the body

3 day diet that cleanses your body

The first day

  • For breakfast, eat 250 grams of sliced ​​fruit, a cup of light yogurt, two tablespoons of wheat bran or oats, five tablespoons of wheat grains and a cup of green tea without sugar.
  • The snack is 200 grams of fresh fruit or 30 grams of nuts and two glasses of water.
  • For lunch, eat raw or cooked salad of vegetables, 200 grams of fish, chicken or turkey (not fried), a cup of brown rice and two glasses of water.
  • In the afternoon you can eat 200 grams of fresh fruit and drink two glasses of water.
  • For dinner, there is a bowl of vegetable soup, a cup of yogurt and two tablespoons of wheat bran.

The other day

Japanese diet
  • For breakfast, you can drink a glass of pineapple juice along with a tablespoon of flaxseed, a slice of wholemeal bread with light cheese and a cup of chamomile.
  • The snack consists of half a sweet potato and a cup of green tea.
  • For lunch you eat a cup of brown rice, a grilled fish fillet and a salad with tomato, celery, lettuce and radishes.
  • The snack is some fruit and for dinner you eat a bowl of creamy vegetables and a cup of gelatin.

The third day

Eat lots of fish
  • For breakfast you can have a glass of pineapple juice along with a bowl of light yoghurt, a slice of wholemeal bread with ham or turkey.
  • The snack is a handful of nuts.
  • For lunch you can make a pasta salad with wholemeal noodles, broccoli, carrots and peas. For this you have 200 grams of chicken or turkey (not fried).
  • In the afternoon you can eat a fruit and for dinner you make a piece of fish with lemon juice.

Now you have all the prerequisites to carry out a natural cleansing of the body. Try it and you will definitely feel better!

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