Simple Exercises For Various Back Pain

When doing these exercises, it is very important to keep in mind the severity of the back pain and adjust it to avoid making things worse.
Simple exercises for various back pain

These days it is very common to have different back pain.

As a general rule, if your back pain is caused by poor posture, we recommend that you do some moving exercises. Stretching will relieve tension and pain.

In this article, we take a look at some of them.

1. Relaxation and breathing

A woman who meditates

The first step is to relax and release muscle tension. To do this, you need to find a suitable place, and if possible, preferably one that is free of distractions and that helps your sense of well-being.

Each exercise will require a specific pose. In both cases, however, you must consciously loosen your muscles and concentrate on breathing.

This is the case for every exercise. You do not have to force it. Pay attention to the air that enters your body, hold it in a little and exhale.

Exercises for the cervical area

A tired woman in an office

The cervical area begins at the base of the skull. It is the upper part of the spine and is very much affected by various back pains.

We recommend that you do these exercises in a sitting position and keep your spine straight. If possible, you can support yourself on the back of a chair.

Perform one of the exercises described below. Twenty repetitions should be enough.

  • With your eyes closed, move your head slowly forward and backward, trying to touch your chest with your chin. Control your breathing so that your movements match your breathing in and out.
  • In the same position, turn your head from left to right and right to left, as if trying to touch your shoulder with your ear.
  • Raise and lower your shoulders.
  • Lift both arms straight up at the same time. Bring your fingers and stretch upwards as far as you can.
  • While still sitting, rest your hands on your knees. Pull one hand along the leg to the upper body, and continue while rotating the shoulder. Do it with one arm at a time.

3. Exercises for the chest

A woman making the plank

The chest is the part of the spine that continues from the cervical area. It’s about the height of the chest.

Some recommended exercises include:

Curve the spine forward

  • Support yourself on the floor on your hands and knees. Look down at the floor.
  • Slowly pull in your abdominal muscles and try to bend your back slowly.
  • Relax, return to the original position and repeat.

Stretch 1

  • Stand with your body relaxed and place your hands on your back at the same level as your hips.
  • Lean slowly forward and feel the stretch in your back.

Stretch 2

  • In the same position as used in the previous stretch, lift the left arm towards the head.
  • Bend your elbow and place your hand on the back of your head.
  • Slowly pull the left elbow with your right hand until you feel the stretch.
  • Return to the original position and repeat with the other arm.

4. Low back exercises

Simple exercises for various back pain

The lower back is the lower part of the spine. It is common to feel pain in the lower back after lifting weights or after sitting for a long time.

You can try the following different exercises:

Low back exercise 1

  • Lie down with your face facing up. Bend your left knee while trying to keep your hips stable.
  • At the same time, lift your right leg. Try to keep your knee straight and do not lift your hips off the floor.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds, then return to your original position.
  • Repeat this three times with each leg.

Low back exercise 2

  • Lie down with your face facing up, bend both knees and keep your feet on the floor.
  • Put one foot on the floor and lift the knee on the other leg to the chest. Hold this position for 15 seconds.
  • Relax and return to the position you started in. Repeat with the other leg.

Low back exercise 3

  • Lie down on the floor with your face facing up.
  • Place a small ball under your lower back.
  • Slide over the ball and use your body weight as pressure.

Other treatments

In addition to the lifestyle factors we have already mentioned, there are other things that can cause various back pain. These include your mattress, pillow or armchair.

Investigate these factors and try to add a simple exercise routine. This will help relieve various back pain, which affects many people. There are also many effective natural treatments.

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