Quick Recipes For Salad With Endive And Pomegranate

Endive and pomegranate salads are rich in high quality fiber and antioxidants that can help improve your health.
Quick recipes for salad with endive and pomegranate

Salad with endive and pomegranate is a dish that you can routinely include in your diet. It provides important micronutrients, as well as antioxidants that can help you stay healthy. The best thing about it is that it is easy to make.

In this article we will share the recipe for this delicious salad. But you must first know that the quality of a diet depends on the energy balance and variety. In other words, it is important for you to get the calories you need to avoid excess weight, as well as eating foods from different groups to ensure adequate nutrition.

Salad with endive and pomegranate

Before you start working on making this salad with endive and pomegranate, it is important for you to know the health benefits of it. First, the antioxidant power of pomegranate stands out.

This fruit contains anthocyanins, a water-soluble vacuolar flavonoid pigment. Experts discovered that this type of phytonutrient can prevent the development of chronic diseases.

This is because they can neutralize the formation of free radicals, thus modulating tissues and organ oxidation and inflammation. This property is important for slowing down aging.

A pomegranate
Pomegranate is rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals and thus prevent oxidative stress and premature aging.

On the other hand, we must mention the fiber endivie provides. Fiber is an indigestible substance that can improve the health of the digestive system.

First , it is able to prevent constipation by increasing the size of the fecal bolus. In addition, as a study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition claims, regular intake protects against colon cancer.


  • 1 endive
  • 1 pomegranate
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • vinegar
  • salt


The first thing you need to do is wash the endive well to remove dirt. Then cut it into small pieces and add to a mixing bowl.

Open the pomegranate. It is a very simple step. Just cut it in half with a knife and pick out all the seeds, which are the edible part. Then put them in the salad bowl, over the endive.

Now you have to make the dressing, the secret to almost any salad. To do this, chop the garlic clove and place it in a glass. Then add a little fine salt and a splash of olive oil.

In addition, it is also important to add a couple of tablespoons of wine vinegar and stir everything. After you have finished dressing, pour it over the salad.

Another recipe for salad with endive and pomegranate

If you liked the previous recipe, we encourage you to try this one as well. Although it contains more calories, it is also much tastier. You need black pepper to make it. This spice has been shown to be able to stimulate fat oxidation, as it contains capsaicin.

A sliced ​​pomegranate
The addition of pepper and toasted corn makes this salad much more tasty.


  • endive
  • ristet mais
  • 1 pomegranate
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • vinegar
  • jam of red berries
  • salt
  • ground black pepper


Again, you need to start by washing the endive and cutting it into small pieces. Put the pieces in a bowl. Then pick out the pomegranate seeds again as we explained above, and place them in the bowl, over the endive.

After that, add a handful of toasted corn, lightly crushed in a mortar, to add a crispy element.

Now you have to make the dressing. To do this, add a dab of olive oil, two tablespoons of vinegar, a teaspoon of jam and salt and pepper in a container.

Once this mixture is emulsified, pour it over the salad. So it is ready to eat, you should turn it over to ensure that all the endive leaves get a taste of the dressing.

Salad with endive and pomegranate, a healthy dish

As you have seen , salad with endive and pomegranate is very easy and quick to make. You can serve it as an appetizer or as a side dish to a protein source, such as meat or fish.

It gives you antioxidants and a good dose of fiber, which is important to ensure that your digestive system works properly.

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